
Nancy Barrett. No reprise. Blair’s face over Collinwood. Narration says his evil power knows no limits.



Blair teases Cassandra (and quite humorously, too). She notices that. She wants to know where Adam is. He won’t tell her. Mike shadow?


Roger comes in and tells them his trip was depressing. It was to see Liz. He lets the Collinwood door slip open again and doesn’t notice it. The door remains open.



Roger does ask about how David is, the first thing he mentions actually. His trip was depressing because Liz is still the same, thinking she is Naomi.



Blair has already excused himself and takes great pleasure in already having mentioned he knows where Adam is and in not telling Cassandra. Her mind is on that and not on what Roger is saying and he knows it. He offers her a brandy, and he drinks one. Roger says, “I just can’t understand it, Liz has always been such a –she’s always been so stable. How can her mind just snap like that?”



Roger gets an IDK. “Her preoccupation with death becomes more frightening every time I see her.”  



Roger, proving his “out of the loop” ness is at its height, says he will need all the advice and moral support from Cassandra!




Blair suddenly and off camera, appears in the locked room where Adam is still mulling over love poems  and Carolyn. He tells Adam they are going to be good friends. When Adam asks if Prof Stokes knows Blair is there, Blair lies and tells him yes. He tells Adam he is a teacher, too. Mike shadow?



When Adam asks if Carolyn knows Blair is there, Blair tells him the truth: Carolyn does not. He also asks Adam why should Carolyn be angry. Adam answers IDK.



Blair starts indoctrinating Adam from the start: he tells him not to worry about what others think and that he does not have to do what others want or tell him to do. He’s bigger than they are for a start.



He fires non stop compliments at Adam…Adam has a better brain and is strong. He is a very important person and can alter the course of history. Blair’s lived a long time  and has never seen anyone like Adam. Blair has been around a very long time and never seen anything like Adam and he tells him that.

They shake hands.


In the drawing room another boring Blair and Cassandra scene. Yeah, I’ll probably miss them when they’re gone. He talks about her rages and how those will get her nowhere and how she should learn that. He tells her that Adam is in the West Wing. WHY would he do that? So he can get rid of her later on? He warns her not to do anything against him or Adam.


Adam sneaks into Carolyn’s bedroom and wakes her up. He is sorry but explains that Blair came to the West Wing Room. They both cannot figure out how Blair got in. Carolyn gets an IDU how he got in; the door was locked. Adam says IDK.


There is a light in one of the round glass covered paintings or photographs on the wall. There’s movement there, too. Reflections of a camera? Studio lights? There’s more movement in both photographs on the wall (is one Liz?) and it looks as if someone is moving from one side of the room that we do not see to the other side.



Leaving Adam in her bedroom, Carolyn leaves and moves past a dancing woman statue. Blair’s face shows a slight smile.




12 am: the clock rings only 11 times. Carolyn descends the staircase…as if she’s in a trance. WTF?


She tells Blair he is a guest in this house and that does not include him wandering all over.




Blair vs Carolyn over what he calls a family secret but she calls not a secret.  He calls it just her secret. He lies that he went there in search of old architecture, he’s interested in it. She knows it is a lie, he already asked Stokes about Adam—Stokes told her this morning he was already asking questions about Adam.


Blair claims the door was not locked. She knows he is lying. He also asks if the room were locked, how he got in. Carolyn’s answer, “I don’t know.” 



Blair tells her he has nothing against this family and will not reveal anything to the police. As the goes up the step and to the landing, we see a rare shot of the wall there behind his head.


Adam and Carolyn sneak back into the West Wing past some rare looks at that area. Adam has to lower his head so it does not hit a chandelier in the hallway.



Carolyn, once back in the West Wing room (do some dusting! Get those cobwebs down), says, “I still can’t understand how Nicholas got into this room.”



Harry might have left the door open when he brought Adam food. Did he bring Adam food? If so, we didn’t see it before Blair arrived in that room but we did see Carolyn bring some food.


Cassandra listens to Lang’s taped message. AGAIN. It is 2am. The music sounds a bit different. When Cassandra leaves the drawing room, we see someone or something moving around in the room…via its or his or her shadow.




Cassandra goes to the West Wing, right to the room Adam is in. She uses her powers to open the locked door. Cassandra voice over. Adam must not die by magic.



BUT won’t Blair realize magic opened the door. Perhaps she was thinking of framing Harry? Cassandra picks up an axe. There’s something more scary about seeing her use something like that to commit murder…she raises it over a sleeping Adam…


Adam is curled up sleeping. Does he have dark make up on his eyelids?



Review: okay, NOW it’s tedious. Not sure I feel that way now but over 10 to 15 years ago I guess I did. It's okay. Blair taunts and warns Cassandra again. Cassandra listens to the tape again. Adam in Carolyn’s bed room is unnerving but that he trusts her enough and is smart enough to go tell her about Blair coming…is different and interesting. I just feel this is dragged out a bit but if anything it’s not terrible, just a bit tedious. I’ve really had enough of Cassandra but this will be rectified in the next few episodes. Angelique is a lunatic doing this against Nicholas and to Adam. 

         Episode 545: Teacher’s Pet | Dark Shadows Every Day

When Roger enters Collinwood in the first scene, he closes the door behind him, but it swings open again.

When Nicholas is seen in Adam’s room, the intention is obviously to suggest that he appeared there by magic. There’s a tight close-up on Adam’s face to disguise Nicholas walking onto the set, so that he can be on the opposite side of the room from the door when he says his first line. Unfortunately, that close-up isn’t as tight as it needs to be, and you can see the top of Nicholas’ head over Adam’s shoulder as he passes by.

Nicholas gets his line twisted in a sparring match with Cassandra:

Cassandra:  What are you smiling at?

Nicholas:  You, and your perpetual unwillingness to learn.

Cassandra:  To learn what?

Nicholas:  That working yourself up into a rage never gets yourself anywhere with me, and it never has.

When Cassandra opens the drawing room doors to go upstairs, you can see the shadow of the camera in the drawing room moving across the floor.



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