DW is in sad shape right now. A response to a post about the 60 anniversary "stories". What? RTD is shit now.
His writer block from Journey's End stuck and never left. He's burned out of DW and sci fi, he was never that great at the sci fi but fortunately he used to make good choices for the Doctor, his personality, and the premise and plots, usually. His time from 2005 to 2008's MIDNIGHT was the best of the modern series, not perfect but entertaining, meaningful, emotionally sound, logically good, solid DW.
Torchwood was a huge mistake and crap, a gutter show.
Sarah Jane worked but became routine.
RTD burned out on DW and wrote a few good things between his first tenure and now (ALL not sci fi and ALL usually about what he knows: gay life and they were okay, if sad).
In the meantime, Moffat ran DW (the classic series he hated and always did and he never new the Doctor's personality or how to write for him) into the ground with bad casting, bad plots, gimmicks, unfunny comedy sitcom bull, and the worst scripts the show ever saw...it was consistently bad with a few gems among the horrible POS.
eight years only gave us six seasons and a good actor who, when given an illogical script couldn't fake it or convince...at all. Moffat also gave us the most unreal, shallow and vapid companions and a lot of sexual jokes that fans seemed to think was okay. As long as they were hetero jokes. He ruined Doctor slowly but surely. It became a joke. Something people watched after they DVRed it or something. Seasons were split, ep counts reduced per year and at least one year all we had was the xmas special.
Capaldi was a better Doctor but seasons 8 and 9 despite four or five good stories were mostly HORRID. Season Ten was a lot better, more traditional with some good solid suprises here and there. Chibs took over and his season 11 (other than the spiders and the GHOST MONUMENT which needed a faster pace, a real sense of urgency, and more action) was quite good. DW had seemingly recovered.
Yet season 12's first half went back to being illogical, boring, and stupid. It sort of recovered in the second half but the Timeless Child was NOT executed well or right or correctly. Shaking things up is fine but doing that way, is boring, and having Jo Martin was bad: she was bad.
Then, we had the worst modern season, season 13 a mishmash of garbage and run around that wasn't exciting but boring, illogical, cartoonish and mishandled. A bad premise, a bad six episode "season" of crap. A few okay specials (though a mass murderer Asian woman was exhaulted a a hero) and a cap off for Jodie that bordered on nonsense (the Doc loves Yaz but pushes her out when she needs help; Yaz leaves; the companion meeting, Tegan thinking the Cyberman figure was from the Doctor causing all the problems and deaths). DW was back in trouble and gone again.
IN COMES RTD TO THE RESCUE!!!! Oh, has he gotten over his writer block for DW? Nope. Has he new ideas? Nope. Oh and let's not forget the Doctor regenerating into an old Doctor, worst mistake ever.
Four specials: Donna is not Donna but some crank, cheap pest who hates her husband, makes him work two jobs while quitting her own, gives away a fortune and blames the Doctor and wants to sell the alien they find. Donna's a mess in these specials.
Giggle was okay until the toymaker starts shooting people: something he would NEVER do. Then, worst of all, a silly bi generation scene that lacks any sort of danger or urgency but is just there: the Doctor pulls himself out of his former self and they're both there (RTD thinks that all the Docs did this? He's insane). Oh and everyone works for UNIT because it is cheaper that way.
The only good thing about those specials is WILD was wild and strange and FINALLY gave us what we ALL knew but were either phobic of or writing fan fic about: the Doctor IS gay and always was. Done.
Le'ts forget the season after that, too as this post is not about that sheet. The 60th was awful, the season after it was awful, the show is something I no longer care about.
We used to have three magazines, monthly or tri weekly comics, at least ten to 20 novels a year, TWO behind the scenes shows, animated special stories, and individual DVD releases of EVERY episode (or in twos and threes anyway), box sets coming later and with assurances every country would get them and they did. this all changed slowly over Moffat's disgusting show running time.
But NOW? NOW? we have disappointed fans trying to fake it and say they like sheet when it is clearly sheet and the 60th anniversary was a huge let down in every way.
STAR BEAST was downright awful garbage. GIGGLE was okay half way through until the UNIT stuff (UNIT needs to be destroyed and is ANYONE, I mean anyone excited for Sea Devils vs UNIT?). WILD was good.
And RUBY ROAD was okay and a good start for Ncuti, who IS a good actor and could be a great Doctor under the right show runner and correct writers. Sadly that does NOT include RTD2 and Moffat. They both --RTD and Moffat000need to be fired and not allowed near DW in any format again.


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