“We allowed Adam to live and
now he is at large and completely out of control. And he will go on killing
unless we can find him and stop him somehow.”
Vicki, no reprise. The
narration says Adam is an inarticulate creature. He’s no longer that.
Julia comes to Barnabas…new
hairdo? Barnabas is upset that Adam killed Haskell. Barnabas says, “Thank God
you’re here.”
The window Adam looked in is
different now and almost unseen behind curtains and…what looks like a sheet
rock wall or something. Julia looks dressed like Shirley Partridge from THE
PARTRIDGE FAMILY. Barnabas tells Julia
that “Adam killed Haskell…”
She tells Barnabas that Joe
is not dead. He asks her if Joe will live and she answers, IDK.
Barnabas tells her, “We
allowed Adam to live and now he is at large and completely out of control. And
he will go on killing unless we can find him and stop him somehow.”
It has been a week since Adam
disappeared after Sam’s death / accident. Julia thinks Joe will live. Barnabas
sits in a chair!
He will tell Willie to take
Joe to the car and they will take him to the emergency room. Barnabas tells
Julia about Vicki having the dream. Julia looks right at the camera. Barnabas
says he would rather die than let Angelique win…but…isn’t that the same thing
or at least as far as they know? I guess he means becoming a vampire again?
Despite Julia telling Barnabas
not to involve Willie, he wants her to check on Vicki and stop her from having
the dream somehow but then he tells Willie to get Julia’s car and bring it as
close to the house as possible.
Willie thinks Adam is trying
to frame them for Joe’s death or beat down. Barnabas tells him, “Don’t be
ridiculous.” BUT Willie makes sense there.
Willie and Barnabas are
taking their time getting Joe to the car and the ER. Willie doesn’t want to
help Joe. Barnabas insists that Joe has never done anything to hurt Willie.
Barnabas sits down in another
chair and then the same one at least twice. Barnabas teleprompter.
Willie doesn’t want to help
Joe, “Why are you always so anxious to help him?” Maybe he’s in love with him?
Really, this whole
conversation between Willie and Barnabas is hilarious because as they make
threats to each other, Joe is still laying on the floor!!!
“It won’t be Maggie that I
will hurt, it will be you!”
Barnabas stretches out the
word Police…ssssss, hilariously. Barnabas threatens to tell the police that
perhaps it was Willie’s interest in Maggie that led him to do this, framing
As he does this, Barnabas,
sits down a THIRD time in the second chair!
They will use Julia’s car to
take Joe to the hospital. Barnabas orders Willie to do it but Willie wants Joe
to die.
Willie tells Barnabas that
Maggie looks at him and that means she wants him. With Joe gone, Willie has a
chance. Barnabas stands up, “Where did you ever get that insane idea?” He sits back down again!
It is now that Willie asks
why he is so anxious to always help Joe. Barnabas makes a threat and Willie
misunderstands it as a threat to Maggie. “It won’t be Maggie I hurt, it will
be you!”
They take Joe.
Cottage: Julia comes to
Vicki. She suggests taking Vicki to Windcliffe. Vicki tells Julia that no one
in the past could fight Angelique. We hear squeaks.
Old House: Barnabas comes
back—someone’s shadow moves near the pole inside the drawing room. He meets
with Julia who is already there. The Sheriff asked the inevitable questions of
he and Willie but they told him they found Joe in the woods.
When Barnabas shows signs of
giving up the battle against Angelique, Julia tells him he must battle to the
very end. Barnabas tells her it is
futile, he’s been fighting this for 200 years. Not really. He was in the coffin
most of those. HE will leave; Julia vows that she will go with him to protect
him. BUT WHY? He’s not a vampire any more or do they suspect that he will
become one again? He will not allow Vicki to go on suffering.
We keep seeing cuts to Julia
as if she is still somewhat jealous of Barnabas’s protecting of Vicki. Or sad
that he doesn’t feel the same way about her that he feels about Vicki.
Vicki has the dream and sees
the skull, the guillotine, the bride, and hears the riddle again at the end and
even sees a light in a door to follow. We see the Old House still for a good 18 seconds with
Vicki tells the dream
Barnabas, “You don’t know what you’re doing.”
Her dialog is, at first, all
voice over.
Once he shuts the ornate door
on her, her dialog is spoken on screen from her mouth and not a voice over.
He recites, “Through sight
and sound and faceless terror, through endless corridors by trial and error. Ahead
a blazing light does burn. And one door leads to the point of return.”
“What does that mean? I don’t
Bells jingle, the Josette music
box plays, the middle door is a skull with eyes, two doors to the right is the guillotine,
we see a studio light through cracks in the set as she moves to the door on the
far left. In the far left door is skeleton bride and Angelique laughs. The door
opens and closes and opens again and then closes totally.
It looks as if she returns to
the door that already was opened with the skull inside but when she opens it,
there is a blazing light. She hears Barnabas say, “Ahead a blazing light does
burn.” She follows the light as he says,
“And one door leads to the point of return” and the point of return is
repeated. We see the Old House still for a long time. Vicki says, “And one door
leads to the point of return.” Then she has more dialog as she is in the Old
House, entering through the door. “Return to what? I DON’T UNDERSTAND.” And this is hilarious.
There’s weird screaming that
doesn’t sound like Vicki as we see Barnabas on the floor with fang marks on his
Vicki moves in the dark for a
long time. She’s in the Old House doorway. She says the riddle. In the Old
House drawing room, Barnabas is on the floor with a wound on his head as if
he’s been attacked by an animal (or at least Vicki later describes it that way
to Maggie—it really looks like a bit of ketchup on his forehead). There are
screams. Vicki gets up.
Moltke probably acted the
best during the dream, not overdoing it.
I can’t help but think in a new version of this storyline it might be
done differently and more scary. Still as it is, it is a viable story. I still
can’t believe that 1968 present day-storyline will go on until ep 700! Will I
make it? That’s the real cliffhanger!
There is something quite
campy about Barnabas sitting down at least three times while Julia and later
Willie and he discuss Joe’s condition and how he needs to go to the hospital
immediately and then they further discuss it some more and argue about it. Barnabas
also has some good lines against Willie but then he can just order him right
away but does not. This might be to show that he’s no longer a vampire and has
no real control over the crazy Willie…and Willie, contrary to what I always
thought, IS very nutty during this time in the show, really vindictive and mean
spirited. He really wants Joe to die and he really thinks he has a chance with
- Wide-eyed skull
- Guillotine
- Lang's Headless creation
- Skeletal bride
- Educational Bat-footage
- Giant spider-web
- Mounted wolf's head
- Carolyn's tombstone
- Maggie with Sam's coffin
- Blazing sunshine and a tour of the old house
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