“You’ve gotten yourself into a mess this time, my lovely, Angelique. Where are you? Where?”



Grayson. The narration talks about two conspirators (Barnabas, Julia). The reprise is slightly different. The shot on Barnabas as he shakes his head is closer and we also get a reaction from Julia as he shows up at the Drawing Room door that wasn’t in the last episode’s end cliffhanger.


They’re getting better at matching scenes and dialog, however, when Barnabas shakes his head, this time we get a side view or a front view or both whereas last ep, the nod was from behind. The dialog is slightly different, mostly around the line about Vicki’s upsetness and how she would feel about the picture having faded, which proves Roger knows nothing: Vicki would probably be delighted. “She’d be upset at the present condition,” or something like that this time out whereas last time it was different. Still, this matches up better than most reprises of late. Roger also gets “I don’t understand why Cassandra would lock it in a closet,” which was not how the line about him being bewildered by this action was in the last episode’s ending.


One thing I keep forgetting to mention but will do so now: this era may be most maligned and even by me (hanging plot threads, overacting, repeating storylines, bad acting, many flubs, etc) however, it really moves much faster than any other era thus far.


I mean we have episodes that revolve around a trial of Barnabas and Trask exorcizing Angelique and then we’re on to Blair’s arrival and the vampire Tom later on…in some ways it might reflect a panic on the part of the writers to steal…urgh, write, borrow new ideas and then abandon them as they felt these things didn’t work. IT might even MOVE TOO FAST in this time of the show but I prefer that to the sleep inducing endless Burke plotline or the forever Angelique curses in 1795.



Sometimes, however the plots move so fast in 1968 that they don’t fulfill their true potential. On the other hand, things seem inconsistent (Stokes’ compassion for one) and sort of knee jerk (Adam, most of). Thing is : I don’t know which I prefer.  I hate being bored and goodness knows, the Burke, Jason, and even the Willie and Barnabas intro have many episodes that bored me, made me sleepy, put me to sleep, and didn’t really keep me into DS.



As noted above many times. And if we were lucky, maybe every ten episodes, something GREAT or even good happened. Here, the show gives us something new almost every episode or every two episodes. True, sometimes it’s a screaming loud obnoxious Willie…and also true that many of our favorites still seem like guest stars (the entire present day Collins family from Liz to David to Roger to Carolyn) in their own show…and also true that our heroine Vicki is made stupider and stupider as is Maggie.



Also true that Vicki seems to appear every five eps or so and saddled with a Jeff who is angry at her most of the time or groping her the other half of the time (he’s also played by, I’m sorry, probably the worst male actor on DS). He IS handsome though. So this time in the show is shaky at best but it is very watch-able, unlike what I thought in the past. Don’t know if I’ll feel that way once the retched Eve arrives…


Back to our show: No new bits in the reprise but slight changes here and there in dialog and shots. Blair definitely calls Barnabas Mister Collin at the door (no S).



Roger introduces Nicholas to Julia and Cousin Barnabas. Cassandra had written to him about Collinwood.


When Roger and Blair go into the drawing room, Julia gives a disgusting look to Barnabas as if she MIGHT think this is his fault! Or maybe it’s me reading into it. But it’s almost as if she wonders, “Just how many enemies do you have,” kind of criticism.



As they talk, Blair, funny, states to Roger, “I don’t have…LITTLE…vices,” which could be taken to mean he has large vices.


More chat from me: I have to get this off my chest now or I’ll forget to: Blair is not Angelique. That’s not a bad thing. I think it was purposely done. As we’ll see in the upcoming two episodes or so, the writers and maybe the actor separated him from Lara’s witch by many means. For one, Blair isn’t outwardly evil and passionate. He is but not in the same way Angelique wears her heart on her sleeve and acts in the moment to punish and be cruel.



In many ways, she’s the worse of the two because she feels and then hurts…like a wounded tiger or something but even tigers act out of nature.


Angelique acts out of impulsivity and power and evil. Blair…is more subtle most of the time or as subtle as a DS  villain/monster can be. He might need info from Willie or Tony but he’s not about to make them suffer at all. He might try to keep the ghost of Trask in his power but when he fails to do so, he isn’t dead set on getting revenge on him right away.


Angelique might have an ultimate goal: get Barnabas to love her or have him suffer or pay or die or become a vampire again…but she always acts in the moment: cursing Liz or some other thing like making Tony fall in love with her. There are probably a dozen other ways she can handle these people and situations but she doesn’t. Nicholas on the other hand will keep as covert as he can.



The truly GREAT scene when he finally FINALLY tells all to Julia (as if he were a DOCTOR WHO VILLAIN in their first scene) is truly stunning and scary because Astredo is a great actor in this role and because Nicholas has kept it all penned up for maybe 50 or more eps). Blair has an ultimate goal. He might not kill Willie or Tony or make them suffer needlessly BUT as he says he has no little vices….implying he has greater ones and he does. He might not want to kill anyone now…BUT he has plans to make the entire human race secondary and maybe GONE entirely.



Angelique is not as cruel as to make the entire world suffer—she’s much more about her own needs and desires on a smaller scale than Blair’s--- so things get turned on their head. She doesn’t want to be horrid to the whole world, just those who stand in her way or have what she doesn’t or who can be used as pawns (like Sam was).


Blair on the other hand seems to want to change the world…in an evil way…and cause world wide pain in an almost devil in the Bible Biblical manner. 


As we saw in the Trask exorcism, Angelique no longer seems the reluctant witch…in 1795 it seemed almost as if she longed to be a normal girl without these powers but only these powers could make her rise in her station.



She no longer needs to worry about stations much but she’s so consumed by hate this time out and not love (she will probably realize this in 1897 and by 1840 (!) she will use her love to be a stronger ally to Barnabas and his other friends) that she misses this point: she just wants revenge and anyone who gets in her way (Sam, Carolyn, Liz, Roger) will get something or be used by her.


In many ways she is more human than Nicholas. Also in the exorcism we realize that she is a willing subject of the devil, something that is always shaky in DS terms. Sometimes she does good (well she does at times and sometimes she even professes that she doesn’t want someone to suffer needlessly…usually to suit her terms and her conditions and her needs).


Now she seems that even if she were offered some way out of the devil enslavement, she would not take it. She resists Trask 100 percent …and seems to have failed. Blair, for a long time, I thought WAS the devil. DS never really tells us exactly what he is in any one ep…devil brother to Angelique…a demon? What does that mean?


And if so, why do he and Angelique both seem later on to compete to please Diablos (DS’s substitute for the devil, maybe they were afraid to use the devil as a character…or maybe Diablos is one of the devil’s underlings whereas Nick and Angelique are Diablos’s?) But I’m rambling again and getting far too far ahead of the show…


And make no mistake about it…DS is now about the villains MORE than the heroes. Even Barnabas seems to take a back seat to Blair and Angelique for a bit.


Back to our show two:   Before everyone retreats to the drawing room, we see a big piece of wood, presumably one of the doors to the drawing room. Also as Roger introduces Barnabas to Nicholas, he says, “This is my cousin Barnabas Collin.”   Or maybe it is the S sounds silent? Julia takes a brandy.



Nicholas also makes the same mistake, following his lead, “Mister Collin…”   Or maybe it is my hearing? Cassandra wrote to him about Collinwood.



He is from Martinique and just came from there and asks Barnabas if he’s ever been there. Barnabas says, “Not recently.” 



Blair considers himself a citizen of the world and can’t wait to see the expression on Cassandra’s face when she sees that he is here so he’d prefer it to be a surprise. Roger says, “I can’t understand you…”



He tells Julia that she didn’t like his sister. Julia states she barely knew her. Is that true? She knew her enough to go to Stokes’ house together and come back laughing up a storm.


Blair also second guesses Barnabas, telling him that he feels that he had some relationship or feelings about his sister. It is how Barnabas is watching him that let him in on that. Barnabas denies it. Blair tells them that his sister has a pattern of alienating people. He also in veiled threats reveals that whatever happened to her can be undone. It turns to ten pm. Roger tells Blair that the servants will get his luggage from his car for his room. As Roger shows Blair out we hear him say that this house is very European and he can sense the secrets it must hold.


Barnabas tells Julia that Angelique has no blood brother. This must be a brother spirit, a brother devil. He also flubs, “At least, he has…” then says, “Angelique has no blood brother. But her brother’s spirit, her brother devil.”



We hear someone says SHHHHHHH or someone sneezes or sniffs very loudly.  


The portrait is back upstairs, Roger took it there when he went up with Blair SO why are they speculating that Blair will find it when it’s right in front of him in Roger’s hands?



Julia smiles, “It was as if Angelique were almost dead.”  They feel they have to get the portrait. Roger took it upstairs WITH Blair.



When Julia asks what they are going to do and that Blair might find the portrait, Barnabas gets an IDK.


Barnabas tells Julia, “Call Stokes. Tell him EVERYTHING.”   Julia goes to make the call. They will go see him tonight.



Thus starts one of the strangest hanging threads ever. Does tell him everything mean tell him that Barnabas was a vampire?


Stokes knows an awful lot already including that Angelique was the witch, although I’m not sure he knows that name, only that she was Cassandra. He seems to know she knew Ben so I think he also knows that name Angelique, too.



He knows Barnabas was her target and he knows that something terrible turned Barnabas into a monster. The only thing they can be talking about is that Blair has arrived AND that Barnabas was a vampire!


Stokes even knows about Liz’s problem so it can’t be that. AND later on in this ep, Julia beeps her car horn and Barnabas bids ado to Willie and the pair of them leave for Stokes. Remember that the next time we see Barnabas and Julia, or for that matter Stokes.


Roger seems to be waiting for Nicolas to react to his first line and both seem to have forgotten those lines.



Roger shows the portrait to Blair; Roger trying to apologize for the reactions of his family to Cassandra. Blair calls Cassandra very young and is sure she will turn up. He explains that he and she was more than brother and sister, they are great friends. Roger gets an IDK why I said that when he says that Cassandra never mentioned him, in other words how can they be so close and great friends.





Roger tells him that he will bring the portrait to a man in town but he’s not very good at restoring paintings. Blair insists that he not bring it to this man; instead he would like to try to restore it. “Don’t let him touch it.”  Blair will try. Blair says he’s done a great deal of restoration, “A hobby of mine.”  He will try. As he says that, suddenly the scene cuts abruptly to the Old House (a shot of it).


Willie has his rifle at ready. Adam is still on the loose they remind us. Barnabas tells him to put the gun away. Julia beeps the car horn from outside (unseen of course). We rarely see any cars any more.



Barnabas tells Willie that they are not to get involved with Adam. After he leaves, Willie rants about his great ability to  remember everything that Barnabas ever told him. Karlen is excellent here, talking to himself and mumbling about Barnabas’ orders.



Joe is watching Willie from the window and tries to get Willie to let him in. Joe threatens to break the door down. Willie smiles confident in his rifle but then thinks maybe Maggie is in trouble or hurt. He opens the doors to let Joe in.



Joe vs Willie over the fact that Willie seemed to know Adam. When it comes to Adam, Willie says, “IDK anything about that.”



Joe says, “Adam doesn’t like you---that means he knows you.”  Willie tells him the same lie about Adam turning up and him giving Adam food. Adam hates Barnabas.


When Joe tells Willie that he knows Sam was killed by someone named Adam, what is it Willie says? “Yeah, I heard tell that, yeah?” What? Or, “Yeah, I heard in town that, yeah.” WT? Willie also gets another two IDKs.  



Willie breaks free from Joe and threatens him with the rifle. Joe tells him to tell Barnabas, “I’ll be back.” 


Nicholas in his room alone talks to the portrait and calls Cassandra by her real name, “Angelique.”  Though Barnabas thinks Nicholas knows where Angelique is, he does not.



Oddly, the haunting Angelique music starts, is very distracting, then stops. As it does, Blair looks up as if he’s seen something on the ceiling…or had heard loud distracting music. THEN, the music starts up again, just as suddenly as it stopped.


Willie is in the cellar of the Old House bricking up the wall that the skeleton of Trask is behind. He has a voice over and a terrible joke about this giving him the willies. He thinks that is funny, The Willies, the repeats in his mind. We see a stage hand enter the scene from the left and leave just as fast. Willie thinks his whole life is pretty funny.



NOTE: When we last saw Willie, he locked the latch on the inside of the Old House door. Unless between the time we saw him and switched to Nicholas in Roger’s or his own new room at Collinwood is longer than we thought and there is an unseen scene where Willie unlocked the door, then Blair has the power to open the lock from OUTSIDE. Willie also didn’t think twice about someone coming inside after we know he locked the door so maybe there’s an unseen scene where he went outside again and unlocked it or left it unlocked again?



Even though Willie locked the door, Blair comes into the Old House.



For the first time, we see the cellar door from the point of view of someone coming up from the cellar. It must be on a wall we’ve never seen before. From it, one can see directly across to the main door of the Old House. It feels strange. Blair has a hat, umbrella, and gloves. Is he Doctor from DOCTOR WHO? Or the Master?


Blair sees Willie and claims he knocked, “Didn’t you hear me knock?”



Willie says, “I don’t know ya.”  The subtitles says, “I don’t know yet,” in Willie answering when Blair asks, “Are you afriaad of me?”



Blair flubs, “Do you trust me, Willie? If you trust me, tell me your name.” 


Willie thinks his flub is pretty funny judging from his reaction. He tells him his full name, “Willie Loomis.”   Willie will tell him all he wants to know and then forget it all. Willie smokes. Willie tells what he knows of Cassandra, “She’s a witch.”  



At this, Blair mumbles something that sounds a  lot like, “Stupid bitches.”  He makes Willie sit and sleep. Blair goes down stairs, knowing it was Trask that made Angelique vanish, thanks to info from Willie. He seems to think that Trask cannot defeat him. Mic or mic shadow on the far left on the ceiling. He sees the skeleton. The credits are ten seconds of logo.





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