A note on DW on Disney: thus far....

 music is fine but if it's not adding to the narrative, it's not on a great footing and if it's not a good number, well choreographed and if the music and lyrics themselves suck...which is the case with Devil's Chord, then it's time to ....well, I think it's time for me to leave this now low quality show behind. I also don't like the messages of faithlessness and the cowardly ways it's being presented. You can also point out an issue without actually saying anything about it or presenting it in a solid, brave manner and DW is pointing out issues but they're not done in a meaningful manner, just sort of there all over the place in a narrative the doesn't hang together into a cohesive whole, nor feel at all as realistic as it could be given the lack of sci fi explanations, the total illogical stuff besides the lack of sci and the inclusion of magic---I mean snot monsters, an enemy that is just not there----not one of the soldiers questioned that? And more and more. DW is just not even trying any longer and RTD even admits it if you listen carefully. A Moffat who never knew the Doctor to begin with and who sees him as a space time event and kills off and brings back companions, an RTD who is giving excuses not to write sci fi, and a star who spouts inane woke messages without any real validity to them (woke is fine but with some logic and truth and facts to back them up) and scripts that do not set up as believable a world or story as possible means it's time for me to back off this now terrible "show". RTD burned out a long time ago on DW and never really had the sci down in his sci fi show, Moffat should never be allowed near DW again ever and Ncuti was a good Doctor (but not in Boom where he came across as a total phony --the Doctor I mean and a fake unconvincing performance) should keep his big mouth shut unless he has something truthful to say that he can back up with facts. Otherwise, just give me a good to great (every DW should be great in some way and even THE CHASE, LOVE AND MONSTERS, and others that have bad reps are pretty good in some way) story and characters who do not believe that killing babies is a better way and I'll be there every time. Sadly, RTD and Moffat are unable to this on a consistent basis (Moffat never could) and until they go, I think I'm out. I don't want to hear from people who know less about real life than I do giving me messages that are untrue and false premises that they have to force down our throats without any back up, any real story or thought behind them. I'm willing to hear others' POV but not like this. Good bye fan boy hacks.


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