This “episode”
still angers me after all these years. I used to think that the whole thing
should have been scrapped and never done but I think there might have been a
good story to tell here but aside from all the wonky science that ABOUT TIME
will tell you is asinine, there’s a lot more about it that fans should revile
it as the worst RTD story ever told, never mind the brilliant FEAR HER and the
innovative, different, unique LOVE AND MONSTERS, this really sucks for a number
of reasons.
Here are
some off the top of my head. And before we start that, I do GET why fans would
be in love with his garbage. Peter Davison’s daughter is engaging as Jenny and
an energetic performer and great to look at but that’s where this episode’s
value ends, well, that and Joe Dempsie of the wonderful SKINS being in it.
Where to
start with the awfulness?
episode, this is called THE DOCTOR’S DAUGHTER. The coming attractions make it
look like for once, we were going to get some real answers as to whether or not
Susan was his granddaughter and if he had other family. Here, he has a girl
show up that is his daughter and he says so in the coming attractions to NEXT
TIME… It’s all a lie and a big, fat gimmick.
comes as…his clone? Only, she’s not. She’s said to be the daughter of the
Doctor, the mom, and the dad. And she comes ready made out of the cabinet with
clothes on. He says she’s his daughter and then sort of says she’s not. We’re
all cheat. Okay, later on he tells Donna he was a father once and that all of
his family died and were lost to him and he forgot all that.
brings me to this: The Doctor’s just a dick in this story from start to finish.
Sure, David, like Tom, goes out of his way to make the Doctor react like an
alien…only when he’s not. He cries over Jenny but then as Donna talks to him in
a cut scene, he tries to remain cold and icy staring. You can’t have it both
ways really or maybe you can but for once, David’s performance does not work
and like Matt Smith’s performances you can blame most of it on the awful
script. The Doctor’s a dick here. He judges and pre judges Jenny from the start
(Donna does too but then changes her mind when Jenny gives a mini speech about
how she IS real; Donna saying she’s not real is nonsense anyway). The Doctor
also seems to hate her because she calls him a soldier…but he really is. He
also seems to hate her because she might kill (she doesn’t and THAT gets her
killed later so another reason to hate the Doctor here). Yet, he’s killed in
the past. He also points a gun at Cobb in the end to make a point…or rather the
writing does it to make us wonder if he WILL do it. Of course, he does not but
he’s such a dick in this, we wonder if he will shoot and then later go on to claim
he’s peaceful.
figures out the date. Donna’s the one that fares the best here with an
unlikable Doctor, a clone Jenny who’s a bit too perky at times, and a stupid
idiot dolt named Martha (more on that later). So, we find out the war is seven
days. Apart, again from ABOUT TIME, telling us how stupid that is…what
difference does that all make. Didn’t the crew know about the terraforming (and
btw, to add insult to injury, when terraforming happens to a planet, shouldn’t
it NOT have life on it already otherwise that life will DIE?).
gets an innocent Hath killed. The alien Hath (that Martha and Donna seem to
understand…but the audience cannot unlike EVERY other story in the entire
history of DW thanks to the TARDIS, explained MANY years after AN UNEARTHLY
CHILD as the TARDIS translating) that Martha helped (Peg? Peth?) doesn’t want
to go to the surface. Martha, acting like the idiot Doctor, goads him, badgers
him, entices him, and dreams him into it. He accompanies her but here’s the
thing: THE DOCTOR TOLD HER TO STAY PUT where she was, she was safe and he would
find her later. She just had to join her
friends and take a faster route (to me, the door opening for her at the right
time was just a happenstance that the Doctor opened the doors just then,
otherwise she would be stranded outside, the moron). THIS action, her insisting
she join her friends and get their earlier than Cobb and the Hath army, gets
her Hath friend killed. She falls down a hill and into some kind of wet
quicksand or something and nearly drowns. The fish alien pulls her out and does
down under. Now, he’s fish but uses a water device to breath (not unlike
something I once thought I saw in TERROR OF THE VERVOIDS, only don’t make me
watch that crap again). Maybe he survived but as presented, it sure looks like
he dies and Martha bawls her eyes out, the stupid idiot that she is. She got a
friendly alien killed. I hate her now.
She doesn’t
even lament or relent just afterward as the Doctor comments upon reuniting with
her enthusiastically that her not sitting and waiting out of the action GOT AN
6-The Doctor’s
equally stupid. He knows Jenny might regenerate yet…he leaves her body behind
for the humans and Hath to give her a ceremony? He leaves. She DOES regenerate…only…as
a Time lord (is she?) she doesn’t change her form. What? Cheat. Cheat. Cheat. Gimmick,
gimmick, gimmick. And to make matters worse, it’s been relayed that Steven
Moffat, probably part of the writing staff maybe (?) suggested that they
regenerate Jenny and not kill her off. Conversely, Davies joked that Jenny
probably died in a shuttle crash not three minutes after leaving. Peter’s
daughter was not happy about that.
7-The idea that the TARDIS brought them there to create Jenny makes NO sense but I guess I can accept that paradox as we've had that before but added to all the other crap here, the intelligence of this series has flown.
The Jenny audio
boxset (the first one) was so awful I couldn’t listen beyond the first 20
minutes or so. IF that long.
I’m pretty
sure there’s some merit in this awful story but you’d have to revise it and …ABOUT
TIME gave a brief idea of what this might have been like over four weeks and a
four parter in say 1984 or so and the idea of a clone/Doc Daughter might have
had some merit over some arc, they suggest. Then again, they compare it,
unfavorably to the River Song shite so I can’t agree with them. My original
idea that this should never have been written would probably be best.
There are
some good lines and even some good scenes but overall it’s mundane.
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