We DO NOT pick up from where we left off so it could be the next day or a week away? The rest of the ep might have a clue. David looks at Barnabas’ portrait and hears Barnabas’ voice from when he found David at the cemetery and questioned him, a flashback in voice over only. David runs to his room and has an internal monologue/voice over. Why didn’t Liz go after him to find out if he’s all right rather than posing, as David did, with the portrait for the coming commercial break?


Liz gets an IDK. She wants to go to the Old House to get Barnabas and his advice on why David is so afraid. Vicki tries to talk her out of it, “I think he’ll be just as puzzled as you and I are.” She’s officially a huge dope now. The writing is on the wall and she’s been changed into a minor supporting character who’s an idiot.


Liz is going to ask Vicki to push her marriage date back if she has to in order for David: he will have trouble adjusting to a new governess if he’s acting like this and Vicki agrees. They also briefly talk about Burke being out of town and he is waiting for approval on the house he wants to buy. Liz is sure he will hear soon but neither mention it as Seaview House. Liz seems to have to play around with the door at Collinwood to get it to stay shut.


With Vicki and Liz, Barnabas almost never seems that dastardly…until this episode. He compliments them and when they walk into the drawing room, he looks positively nasty and menacing and mean.


Barnabas found David “the other night.”


Barnabas gets an IDU.


Liz: “Barnabas I don’t know how to tell you this and I don’t know the reason why but he seems to be afraid of you.”


Frid stumbles over his lines and looks at the teleprompter and gets a “I just don’t know what you mean…” It’s hilarious and I love him more for it!


Liz gets another two IDKs.


“The only time I’ve ever seen David this terrified is when his mother tried to take him away from here,” Liz declares.


Barnabas said GOOD EVENING to Liz when he walked in and says it again to David when Liz lets him into David’s room for a talk.


David is working on his stamp collection and promised Vicki to be in bed at 9:30pm!


Before she leaves them alone (!!!) Liz starts to call Barnabas, “Uncle” in her statement, “I’ll let Unc…cousin Barnabas tell you.”


David tries to resort to his answering questions with questions. This fear he has of Barnabas is NEVER resolved unless Vicki’s trip back in time changes time. There’s no indication of that. It is possible. It’s also possible that Vicki left our universe all together and went into another one: a parallel one where the events of what happened in the history of 1966-67 happened earlier and in 1795 instead of later (though there are discrepancies all over the place for both times including the 1800s). Once she returned Vicki NEVER returned from whence she came but returned back to the future/present of a parallel 1968. This might mean that THEIR Vicki went back to the séance, too, but in crossing, returned to the original 1966-67 timeline!


It’s a thought. BUT suddenly seeing David run into Barnabas’ arms to protect him from Adam, hugging him for protection is jarring to say the least. And he seems NOT to remember anything about the fear he had or the bat he saw attack him or those images he saw of Barnabas. In fact, I’m sure he knew Barnabas was a vampire before Vicki left and didn’t after Vicki returned!


David, alone in his room with Barnabas, gets three IDKs (the third one when Barnabas confronts him about the knife being in the secret room). This tense scene is well acted and very good. Barnabas confronts him directly about what he knows. BTW, a fan noticed…and I’ve seen it happen more than once myself now thanks to this alert…that people in DS, talk to each other’s…backs! David has a mobile circling from the ceiling.


David has a dream that starts out as a voice over of things already said by Sarah, himself, and Barnabas. It becomes visual and what’s creepy is he sees a woman holding Julia’s medallion. She’s dressed like Julia and her hair seems to be ALMOST like Julia’s but looks like a wig. This can’t be Grayson as Grayson is not credited. It must be either Joan or Alexandra. WIKIA claims it was someone named Fran Anthony and not either actress.


David sees Sarah in his dream, “I don’t know a thing about you.”


Sarah tells David she lived in the house on the hill until she was about nine and then corrects it to ten. She also claims she was born in the same place David was: Collinsport. Sarah tells David, “Because I died.” This is the first time she’s admitted she’s a ghost. Sort of. Sarah gets an IDK which must be a record for number of IDKs in an episode. The tenth IDK in the episode.


Sarah then gets two, “I KNOW.”


The coffin opens and Sarah says, “This is who I came to find.”


David in the dream seems as if he’s talking slowly and deliberately just because he IS dreaming.


WE NEVER see Barnabas actually rise out of and step out of the coffin(s) in any episode. They always cut away.


Shockingly, even though this is a dream, Barnabas raises his cane and lowers it at David to kill him when David interrupts, trying to warn Sarah to get away from Barnabas.


A good episode!













      Vicki and black and white. David is in his bathrobe and looking at the

      portrait, recalling all Barnabas said to him or is it some telepathic

      threat? Liz sees him but David just runs upstairs after yelling at it. The

      record of music seems to whir into action. David has what could be his

      first voice over. David seems to say something about the room but he

      should already know Barnabas and Willie know about it already. He seems to

      be missing the connection between them but maybe it's between the room and

      them and the coffin. Vicki comes in and he asks for more time to stay up

      with his stamp collection. She gives him until 9:30. Liz is going to go to

      the Old House to talk to Barnabas but Vicki comes to her and they chat.

      Burke is a good person to talk to David as David opens up to him most.

      Burke is out of town. Barnabas comes to them, "Good evening." He soft

      soaps them telling them that in times as depressing as these, it's nice to

      have the accompaniment of two beautiful women. He apologizes for Willie,

      calling it the greatest single shock of his life. I doubt that but

      whatever. Barnabas lies and paces as they ask about David. Liz is direct

      as always and tells Barnabas that David is afraid of him. Barnabas flubs,

      "When..ah what...I..." Liz tells them that the only time she David this

      terrified was when his mother tried to take him away from here. True, for

      a bit he was terrified but...then he cooperated with Laura.


      Barnabas suggests a man to man talk, odd that since neither of them is a

      man. He tells them he will be gentle. When Liz takes him to the room, he

      says to David, "Good evening, David." Liz flubs, "I'll let UNC...cousin

      Barnabas tell you..." After she leaves, Barnabas does his walk/menace

      thing and then this proceeds to the bed, where David keeps moving away

      from him. Barnabas tells David, "It isn't polite to answer a question with

      a question." This reminds me of a very early ep with Roger and David

      talking. When David lies that he was not in the secret room, Barnabas

      produces the knife. Not sure if the knife stays there or not.


      David dreams of Sarah and they chat in a strange place that looks part Old

      House cellar and part cemetery and part remake of THE CABINET OF DR.

      CALAGARI. There are candles and a figure that looks like a Monoid from

      DOCTOR WHO-THE ARK...but is really a lady in a wig and a stocking over her

      face...clearly Julia or supposed to be Julia and she tries to get David to

      look into the medallion. There is the gate from the terrace and bricks.

      Sarah tells David she was born in Collinwood and lived on a hill. She says

      she was 10, flubs to 9 and about 10 and tells David she was sick and died.

      Everyone brought her pretty flowers...proving she is probably mentally handicapped to

      focus on that. When David asks her something, she says the often heard "I

      DON'T KNOW." Barnabas comes out of his coffin and anyone tuning in might

      have thought this was not a dream. He gets out and moves toward Sarah

      lovingly. David warns her and draws him away from Sarah but he corners

      David and raises his wolfs head cane to kill...


      Another good ep. David is in on the story now and Hensey does wonders with

      the role and the fear...making Barnabas almost a stalker of

      children...Julia is menacingly evil in these eps too. It seems almost no

      one can believe or help David now...truly good DS...











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