THE THIRD DOCTOR ADVENTURES vol 8 is a must have. First, Sladen's daughter sounds just like her and even more so this time out. Tim sounds like Jon and one forgets that these are not the same actors from the 1970s. The first one is a Jo Grant adventure where Katy sounds like Katy in every way and though, some of this is an illusionary tactic to get the Doctor to cooperate and this is a rather long story, a prequel to FRONTIER IN SPACE and resembles well as bits of COLONY IN SPACE, I really enjoyed this. There are spaceships, space battles, twists and turns, two female villains, a female Draconian who is noble, a reason Draconians do not let females into their royal realm, and more. Throughout Tim does a great 3rd Doctor, Katy is wonderful in every way and believable and the two get a young Draconian on their side who is a stand out character. I'd love to see him become a full any Doctor. As ever in this time of the show, one of the aliens has crush on Jo and I love that he says he's glad Jo is all right and adds, "You, too, Doctor." This is CONSPIRACY IN SPACE which has the Doctor do another space walk. In some ways it treads old ground of FRONTIER IN SPACE but it does so with some new elements added. It is lots of fun.

THE DEVIL'S HOOFPRINTS is even more like the era, the Sarah Jane first season with a large sprinking of THE DEAMONS minus the Master....OR is it? In any case, Sadie sounds just like Lis, her mum. The setting is one of history's greatest supernatural stories and there are aliens afoot. This is grounded in some of the silly UNIT stuff but does not go overboard and resembles Jon's last season a great deal but has Sarah in a unique role of befriending an alien; a Master like alien that opposes the Doctor in one time zone and the Brig in another. The sound design is wonderful on both stories and the music is good. Both stories are lots of fun,, resemble the eras they are from but take them both one step further, making us revel in new "stuff."



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