TITANS s3e10: Troubled Water
s3e10: Troubled Water
“Oh, come
on, Lydia!”
“You gotta
be fucking kidding me!”
This one
starts out great enough: Scarecrow and Jason rapport: check and wonderful (love
these guys even if they are very, very bad). Jason seems to want to have
returned to the Titans but why? To infiltrate them? Then, we have the Titans
sort of working as a team to stop some of the manic people who drank the
Scarecrow poisoned water AND Scarecrow announcing that Nightwing poisoned the
water. Okay, so it stretches credibility that anyone that didn’t drink the
water would believe that but let’s go with that for a minute. All of that plot
works. People start dying. A great dilemma and wonderful scenario.
So what does
this show do? Intersperse all of that with Donna taking a cab from the airport,
walking on a road, fighting old lady Lydia and losing, and then being tested in
yet another illusionary situation. This is not what this episode needed. It
needed----if you’re going to bring back the liability that is Donna---Donna to
be WONDER GIRL and get ready to kick ass and get to Gotham through the road
block that the National Guard (didn’t they do this in GOTHAM the series, too?)
put up around Gotham (no one gets in or out; nice guys the National Guard in
the DC universe). Instead of that, we get Donna alone in the woods cursing and
fending off more tests that she’s not some zombie. Are they kidding me?
Stopping the main action dead.
On the plus
side it is nice to see real life martial arts guy Ryan Potter as Beast Boy
(well, he rarely changes despite having touched a bat in Wayne Manor) kicking
ass and still being a nice guy. And it is refreshing BlackFire doesn’t kill
people challenging Titans and calling Titans the villains. I also like the
Connor tries to let the people know the truth (they don’t listen) and in funny
fashion puts an infected man to sleep with his forefinger hit.
And Starfire
saying that the people have been manipulated into hating them is …just wow.
Bad. SHE was manipulated by Crane into opening up the water supply with one of
her off track blasts. That led to them hating Titans. Starfire is becoming …no,
IS, a liability now, too.
All of that
said, this episode ends where it started, with the situation critical and
another Titan plan going south thanks to…let’s all say it together, “A crooked
cop” and then Blackfire turning back to her nasty self and leaving the gang,
even Connor who promised not to abandon her but when a bullet bounces off him
and hits her, she seems to just forget him, too. Donna does get into Gotham as
does Rachel, in a welcome return. Oh, and we get to see Ryan Potter shirtless
and well, WOW! He’s amazing all over.
In any case,
this episode is not a bad one and has its moments. Everyone ends up still in
trouble and probably even worse trouble now that Barbara’s fun assistant has to
arrest her, Beast Boy (how long ago did we see the tiger?) has been shot by a
dart but found by Raven, Blackfire leaves the gang, Starfire has to find the
others, Scarecrow had taken up residence in Wayne Manor and rechristened it
Crane Manor, Jason rips up Bruce’s family portrait (would BATMAN allow any of
this, even while being suicidal?) and Dick and Connor find the best they can do
is HIDE?
Better than
last episode but lots of upsetting things. At least this shows the emergency
won’t be settled easily and we DO see parts of Gotham in real trouble as well
as many citizens going nuts and feeling the repercussions, even if we see it
briefly, it works. Seeing someone want Krypto dead is startlingly upsetting but
this episode is meant to be upsetting. With this being ep 10 and them having
three more, I want to trust they will wrap this up nicely but this is TITANS so
I’m not sure that will happen, for better or worse as a situation like this or
rather situations like this can’t be wrapped up nicely or wrapped up at all and
I think that’s the point of this storyline and maybe the entire series. Dick’s
plans suck. I wouldn’t want him leading me.
I’m glad
they were given three extra episodes this season and hopefully the ending will
be kick ass and maybe there will be some emotion into it, more than this
episode though here there is some (Molly trying to get Jason to leave Gotham
was one really well acted and written scene!).
Better and
worth the time.
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