So many thoughts watching this. First, my first ep of Adric
was THE KEEPER OF TRAKEN part 1. It was shown out of order after part 1 of
either THE RIBOS OPERATION or STONES OF BLOOD. Then, the PBS station that did
that, fixed it and reran part 1 of that season 16 story. I had to wait a long
time before I returned to that story and to this one as well.
I liked DOCTOR WHO before that but when I saw someone who
was my age and my gender and relatively excited by science (fiction) and
history and basically everything and who acted like a real person and talked
like a real boy AND a boy at all in
DOCTOR WHO, I loved it. I won’t go into how I loathed the show the first few
times I saw it and thought how much of a cheap POS it was and how odd and
strange the lead (Tom) was and how unapproachable and unrelatable the
companions were (Lis Sladen changed my mind though in stories like PLANET OF
EVIL, BRAIN OF MORBUIS and others during that time in the series). Here,
though, with Adric, who I read about in STARLOG’s articles and special mini
book episode guide, was someone I could relate to who was my own age. In
addition, having only read about Adric, I thought he’d be played by some 30
year old and be as unrelatable as other DOCTOR WHO “boys” who weren’t boys and
who were unlike anyone you’re likely to meet in real life (think anyone from
FACE OF EVIL or UNDERWORLD, both of which I love anyway). I was wrong and found
that Adric really turned my like relationship with DOCTOR WHO to love for
The possibilities were endless and I realized how others
loved DOCTOR WHO more than I did and from that time until EARTHSHOCK and the
slow decent of quality from there the show underwent, I LOVED Doctor Who. I
wouldn’t love it again until Chris E took the role and from ROSE to just about
MIDNIGHT I LOVED DOCTOR WHO more. RTD (and this is another story really)
brought to the idea of DOCTOR WHO more real characters and relationships in
ways the Classic Series never did, never seemed to want to or couldn’t. AND yes
silly fans, relationships are for the Doctor, too, whether you like it or not.
It made sense. Once more, though, “they” meaning Moffat, screwed up DOCTOR WHO
and ruined it for me, almost for good….no for good. New Series Season Ten and
then the wonderful Season 11 with ROSA and DEMONS seemed to shed the Moffat
AWFULNESS (season six, Pandorica, Padernostra Gang, Amy, CRIMSON HORROR, THE
CARETAKER, KILL THE MOON and many, many others) for good and his style was
gone. To my HORROR, Moffat and his style was back in Chibnall’s DOCTOR WHO
destroying season 12, which was not only boring but tried to bring about
changes for changes sake…never a good way to do DOCTOR WHO. DOCTOR WHO is all
but dead now.
BUT onto my feelings in 1980 or 1981. My wonderful and
creative imagination constantly created new adventures in fan fic and fan fic
ideas for characters and premises I loved from KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER to
LAND OF THE GIANTS and LOST IN SPACE to an extensive universe and later
multiverse for THE TOMORROW PEOPLE, among a few others (EARTH 2 for one). I
hated to see a good series lose potential. I could not help it but when I saw
KEEPER OF TRAKEN, I thought wow! The Doctor and a male companion alone together
in the universe. I knew Romana and K9 were leaving though when I saw WARRIORS
GATE (not to mention FULL CIRCLE and STATE OF DECAY, I not only loved those, I
thought of whole stories where this team stayed together far longer and maybe
for good; this is my favorite team for DOCTOR WHO). I even thought it would be
great if the new, next Doctor (my first second incarnation as I’d only known
Tom as the Doctor in the 1970s, the first three Doctor’s adventures seemingly
FOREVER cut off to me and only seen in my imagination from the books and from
the articles in DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE and while my first regeneration awaited
me----Tom into Davison) traveled with just Adric, too. I totally ignored the
episode guides that told me the wet Nyssa and the annoying, irritating Tegan
would be there, too. Girls were a thing for DOCTOR WHO since 1963. It was time
to move on from that and try something different (though Jamie and the Doctor
were a team, they were usually given…or saddled with females, too). Adric would
NEVER leave the Doctor.
And in WARRIORS GATE, it is the first time we see Adric
really loving and longing for his family cohesiveness. Here, he, in ep 1,
expresses a subtle fear that perhaps the Doctor (dad) and Romana (mom or big
sis) will part ways (“You won’t, will you?”). He even has a pet dog (K9, of
course). I wish they’d done more audio from BIG FINISH with this team rather
than the brief box set they did give us. As for K9, there was one ANNUAL that
had Tom, K9, and Adric traveling around together. Long continuity books (which
I love; ABOUT TIME; AHISTORY mostly and UNHISTORY) give explanations for this,
sort of. At the time I didn’t care how it fit in, I would have loved and was
sparked imaginatively by the idea that this trio would travel around. Not only
that but the SAME Annual had the 5th Doctor, Adric AND K9 traveling
around, too. WOW! Fan fic not only furthered some of this but took it to new
heights. Tom’s Doctor and Adric (but sadly probably not K9) met a girl who was
goodly and the Master’s daughter (his real daughter not some clone nonsense).
In any case, WARRIORS’ GATE, for me, could do no wrong.
First, for fans who complain it was incomprehensible: WHAT? Did you take math? Did you ever read time travel science
fiction? It was zero coordinates in the middle of a graph of the universe!
Amazing. Most DW fans say they want new ideas and love sci fi premises but then
when something truly innovative and inspiring and different comes along, they
rant that they want ferocious monsters out to eat us invading the Earth again.
Sigh. Or slap happy Moffat fueled “love triangles that aren’t really about sex
or romance but about fun FUN FUN!”. Well, shame on them.
WARRIORS’ GATE for those who missed it also has (like THE
TWIN DILEMMA later on but let’s not get into that debate, for I LOVE TWIN
DILEMMA) a VERY traditional DOCTOR WHO story wrapped in the untraditional or
the other way around. Like TWIN, the traditional has aliens, only this time the
aliens are slaves and this goes way back to perhaps the Hartnell story THE
SAVAGES but can also encompass THE ROMANS and particularly THE DALEKS itself
and maybe even the cavemen parts of AN UNEARTHLY CHILD. And let’s not even get
into how many of the Troughton stories were about subjugated races. It’s easy
to understand that part: lion things can move things through time and space and are being used by
humanoids who have enslaved them to try to get their ship out of a void which
is…the middle ground between OUR space and ADRIC’S SPACE, two different
universes, which is what has been stated since FULL CIRCLE. The math stuff is
just icing on the pudding really. This episode only has a few bits about
tossing the coin and probability. And all of it and what is ahead is brilliant
and wonderful. BUT Moffatized fans just want to see River spout her nonsense
about being energetic and sexual. I don’t.
The other thing is I’m having the same problem while trying
to get through the last of Tom’s stories and the middle of Matt’s stories but
for a different reason. For Tom’s stories, I know them so well because they’re
the most watched by me (other than many of RTD’s stories from 2005 to 2008…I
mean I know the dialog so well I can recite it almost verbatim without
checking…though the same is true of almost every Tom story now and especially
season 18 and 19, I watched them so many times). For Matt’s: I only watched
them once as they’re mostly PsOS. AND more awful than that, usually but not 100
percent of the time. I watched EVERY Matt story (until this rewatch) only once
and was horrified and annoyed by 90 percent of them (and most of Capaldi’s first
two seasons, too). I don’t really enjoy watching those but enjoy Tom’s but have
seen them too many times, where I don’t want to see most of Matt’s even twice.
In any case, here, we have Tom finding the Gundans and for
some reason turning his back on the one that he inadvertently reactivated as it
lifts its axe over his head and BRINGS IT CRASHING DOWN! Cliffhanger.
The slavers crew are sometimes genuinely funny, genuinely
bemused, and also a bit non-pulsed. This is deliberate. After months of being
stranded in the nothingness of a small pocket universe, they’ve been coping the
best they can by pretending to give up or not care or really doing both for
real. They make jokes, shrug as orders, laugh things off and then worry about
them a bit later, don’t care if Biroc lives of dies (and the two most obvious
comedic ones BET on whether or not he will live or die, horrendously). Unlike
Moffat aping some of this in the awful A GOOD MAN GOES TO WAR, here, the
villains seems like real people with real reasons of their own for acting the
way they are acting. Oh, and Sagan is, well, nearing hot and rather cute, too.
Most of these comic relief crewmen…will die horribly and all of them will die
due to stupidity. Which is really just one of the themes: being mean and stupid
will get you what you DON’T want in the long run even if it feels good at the
time while the educated, the thoughtful will survive.
I was told recently that DOCTOR WHO should always be
meaningless and brainless and have nothing to do with the real world and be
just escapist nonsense. Really. Really? I was almost speechless.
This story is not just filled with meaning, it also does
what science fiction was born to do: makes us think, reflect, and ponder about
how we really should be as opposed to what we really are. It’s also far cooler
than any Moffat story or character that really think they are cool but
It’s also been said that….and amazingly I never noticed this
before…this team is filled with four who think they are the lead character in
their own show. It’s an amazing observation and I only heard this on the
interviews for one of the BIG FINISH Tom/Romana2/Adric/K9 box sets and I have
to admit I love that.
I also love that the Doctor doesn’t admonish Adric for or
retaliate with disgust against him (Davison should have learned that lesson,
so, too Eric Saward) when, briefly, he wonders what Adric did once Biroc gets
access to the ship. Did Adric do that? If so, is he responsible for K9 being
damaged so badly? I also have to admit that I dislike the idea that K9 is so
damaged in many stories and episodes during this season and probably the one
before it, too, though they are among my favorite seasons of DOCTOR WHO ever.
This episode has Biroc enter the TARDIS but not see the crew
as they see him. Amazing and wonderful. It also never has the slavers, YET,
meet the TARDIS crew. The Doctor followed Biroc outside while Adric and Romana
try to repair K9. While they do, Adric sees the three human(oids) approach the
TARDIS. It gives us a reason to watch next episode to see their interactions.
And those eps do not disappoint.
That K9 calls them humanoid means maybe they are NOT from
Earth but maybe Earth descendants? He is not feeling well at the time. Great
books like ABOUT TIME, AHISTORY, and TIMELINK suggest they are not from Earth
or even from OUR universe at all but from Adric’s universe, E space. One of
them is named Kilroy and Kilroy Was Here is written on the walls of their dilapidated
The random events discussions are funny as the Doctor
ponders if he wanted to do what he did and Romana asks if he has a death wish,
privately and away from Adric, while Adric questions K9 about the events. It’s
all intelligent and wildly exciting. What is happening? It’s not hard to figure
out, folks. Go on, you can do it!
Even if you don’t, I love this! DW has never been more thoughtful,
courageous, and different.
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