SHAMELESS series finale

 If you are thinking of binge watching SHAMELESS, don't. It's a waste of time watching horrible losers and disgusting, faithless low lifes who are headed for an ending of a finale that settles and shows us NOTHING. Do Ian and Mickey adopt one of Mickey's family's babies to raise a child? Do V and Kevin move? Do Carl and is new cop friend buy the bar to make it a cop bar? Is Lipp's wife really pregnant again? Does the worst character in any TV show (yes, she's even worse than Frank), Debbie, go with the horrible new girl she's met that threatened to kill her own daughter Frannie? Does Lipp get to sell the house? Does Fiona return? All we know for sure is that Frank does die. I guess that's the only spoiler we can give out because nothing else can be spoiled because this POS spoiled itself by giving us nothing. No answers except that Frank had fun...sure he did: at everyone else's expense. Except for Debbie, Frank is the biggest POS TV ever gave us: using everyone and everything to avoid being a good person, responsibility, and helping others by worrying or just trying to steal money, get drugs to get high or have sex (even with a women he didn't know at the time was his daughter...and another loser). Like the UK series, this was a show about the lowest of the lowest low lives on the face of planet Earth. Probably the only reason I watched this was the likable cast, certainly not the unlikable characters. Even Vee is a faithless POS in this last episode. The show also goes to great lengths to show Mickey is not a racist hater while saying cute-sey things that are 100 percent racist. The writing on the show was never that great and every character was a huge train wreck but the finale was the bottom of the barrel with preachy speeches, almost no twists or turns, no surprises, and no answers. A horrible show about horrible people with, like the premise itself, no redeeming values. RUN away from it fast.


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