All of fandom might get enraged by this but I freakin love this story. I don’t think there’s one dull line of dialog in the entire thing. I love Tom and I love his command of the situation and while the writers of ABOUT TIME might think that its too much and ruins the threat, I don’t. Adrasta is very much in charge until maybe the very end of episode 3, the scavengers kill lots of people (and mostly guards but in gruesome fashion, one scene where a guard is set upon with knives and spears is clearly cut, another takes place off screen and the worst scavenger who does all the killing gets away with it by episode’s end with only their comical leader Torvin who gets six inches of Karela’s steel in his back, the poor man). Karela’s a horrid human being if she is human. One of the worst people in DOCTOR WHO set on greed, money, power and murder, all she wants to do is kill.


Tom and Lalla’s double act is incomparable, especially here. The scene where she is holding K9 to the rock wall and Adrasta orders her killed and Romana complains about her hair is just priceless, almost Steed and Mrs. Peel stuff but, you know, in space. I think a lot of people just miss all the humor in this story but it’s all there as is the mystery. Can the Doctor trust Erato? The wolf weeds get their comeuppance as does Adrasta in a fairly grisly death scene: set upon by wolf weeds, who eat or bite or web her up while Erato crushes her! Sure, the space stuff is nonsense but when was the last time the TARDIS was even used in space maneuvers like this? And the gravity beam is unable to disconnected? Lovely stuff, all of it.


Oh and contrary to popular fan myth, the resolution to the cliffhanger isn’t that Adrasta is killed…she lives a bit longer after the attack on her by Erato at the end of ep 3 and even takes control again but by her end…she is the desperate ruler losing control of her people as they come to realize (well the Huntsmen anyway; Karela seems set to be an even worse person) she’s going to cause all their deaths. I myself wrote the review thinking she dies very early in the opening minute of ep4 but she does not.


I also wondered how alike this story is to the last three episodes of AN UNEARTHLY CHILD (and let’s not go into that age old treatise about how the stories then DIDN’T HAVE an overall title but each individual episode DID—Hartnell’s time): there are savages who kill with ….well, barbaric weapons…wearing furs, sort of; there’s the death of a woman though this time it is NOT Eileen Way but she appears in both stories!; we aren’t really sure AN UNEARTHLY CHILD really is the prehistoric past OF Earth…it might be another planet entirely; fire is scarce on one and metal in the other; there’s an underling who sees reason when the leader or possible does not; and…that’s about it. They’re both four episodes.   

On the DVD Tom's Doctor, laughably in the hand stocks, appears on ANIMAL MAGIC or something like that and is hilarious there, too, as he speaks to the camera, talks about comparing elephants, a snake and other Earth animals to the Shrevenzale, the Krynoid and the Wirn and finishes with an off screen, "Dear God, help me."


The best parts are between the Doctor, Romana, and Organon.


DOCTOR: Did you hear that, Romana? Karela's going to kill you, and you with your hair all messed up.

ROMANA: Doctor, I can't do anything about my hair if I'm holding K9.

DOCTOR: Oh, so you are. I didn't notice. Here, let me help you.

(The Doctor produces a mirror from somewhere.)

DOCTOR: K9? Ready, fire!



ADRASTA: Doctor, order your dog to kill the Tythonian.


ADRASTA: If you do not, your friend Organon dies.

DOCTOR: Organon? Goodbye, old man. So sorry about this. Thanks for all the help.

ORGANON: Doctor.

DOCTOR: If my deductions are correct, the well-being of two planets is at stake. Erato must not die.



DOCTOR: It was concealed in the pieces he kept hidden in the Pit.

ROMANA: Doctor!


ROMANA: That shell.


ROMANA: When we first landed, it was making a noise.


ROMANA: Could it have been a distress signal? Perhaps it was calling for help.


ROMANA: But after fifteen years?

K9: Tythonions live for up to forty thousand years, mistress.

ROMANA: So fifteen years in the Pit for one of them would be no more than the wink of an eye.


ROMANA: Doctor, I'm sure there's some terrible danger.

ORGANON: Danger?


ROMANA: And Erato wants to be out of the Pit and free to escape in his craft before something dreadful happens.


ROMANA: But Doctor, you've played right into his hands. You've let him go.


ROMANA: Can't you say anything but yes the whole time?

DOCTOR: Yes. After he's told us whatever it is.


DOCTOR: And before he reaches his space vehicle to escape.


DOCTOR: Do remind me to give him back his photon drive.

(The piece the Doctor dragged from the Pit on the end of his scarf.)





In any case, should you love this too? YES!


 The Creature from the Pit (TV story) | Tardis | Fandom

The Creature From the Pit (

Past review:



                                With the advent of ep2 comes one of the best

                                guest stars and characters, Organon. Almost

                                every line he utters is funny or relevant and

                                he’s helpful to the Doctor. It is very funny

                                when in ep3 Adrasta orders Organon killed unless

                                the Doctor makes K9 kill Erato, the monster. And

                                the Doctor goes over to the old man/astrologer

                                and says, “Organanon, old chap, it’s been

                                awfully nice knowing you.” And there are so many

                                other bits from both Tom and Organanon that it

                                would cover too pages to write them all. Of

                                course, in ep 2 there’s the bit with the book

                                how to teach yourself Everest climbing and/or

                                how to teach yourself Tibetan. There’s some

                                danger when the savages kill to get into

                                Adrasta’s lair. One thing: why did the monster

                                kill people? We’re not sure it’s not really bad

                                or as bad as Adrasta herself but it seems some

                                of them died from the fall (one guard falls in

                                after being shot by K9 and the Doctor tut tuts

                                the guard) or from fear. Then there’s the

                                Doctor’s much publized antics in trying to

                                communicate with the thing. Communications never

                                been a big problem in DW when you’ve got the

                                translate all TARDIS or at least when it was

                                stated the TARDIS could do this in MASQUE OF

                                MANDRAGORA but never mind. Here it is a problem.

                                Unlike SPACE: 1999 where survival and

                                communication can be the entire problem, here in

                                DW it’s just a small thing really but this time

                                it’s handled well…both shows have merit in how

                                they do it all. SPACE had a whole episode that

                                could have been avoided if it could have

                                communicated with the SPACE BRAIN, an excellent

                                episode, not that there are many first season

                                eps of that show that are bad. Anyway, the

                                Doctor seems to acquire an awful lot of male

                                companions in these stories leading up to his

                                getting Adric. In any event, this story is

                                rather good and there’s nothing that’s terrible,

                                really. And there’s the mystery of how the thing

                                got in the pit, and if it is good or bad. The ep

                                cliffhanger to 3 deals with Adrasta in danger

                                from…the Doctor and Erato. In some ways, even

                                though she’s a horror harpy, some sympathy can

                                be felt for Adrasta, I guess. Still, nothing bad

                                in these episodes and thus the season goes on

                                tremendously. Oh and more about the Doctor: he

                                was born under the sign of crossed computers,

                                has used up about 130 of his 90 lives (a joke

                                surely?). While this has been compared with STAR

                                TREK-DEVIL IN THE DARK, one of the TREK’S I

                                really like, here there is more humor; there in

                                TREK’s DEVIL there was none. It was morbid,

                                grim, almost sad story that ended well. In DW

                                the story is sort of similar but with a lot more

                                humor and a lot more mystery once the

                                communication is had. In TREK there was nothing

                                to be said once the humans found out the monster

                                was a mother who’s children they were

                                unwittingly killing. Ahh and we get Romana

                                slapped for being so obnoxious. Adrasta does

                                seem to be multi layered in a lot of the early










okay, so for once, the cliffhanger ends with the

                                person in trouble dying (didn't that happen in

                                THE POWER OF KROLL also?) but anyhow, Adrasta is

                                dead, long die Karela, the old hag. Played

                                uniquely by an old woman the new villain stirs

                                up much trouble. Added to that the trouble with

                                Erato's people on the way and a neutron star is

                                what they are sending to destroy the

                                planet...not sure why. I guess to exact a

                                revenge? Anyhow, the Doctor takes care of all

                                that. There are some more geninuinely funny

                                bits, the whole "YES" routine, Organanon's bits

                                and as he rails against the Doc's supposed

                                allowance of his almost death...


                                and another villain dies. It does drag a bit

                                here and there and with the main villainess

                                gone, it seems a bit...over already but that's

                                DW...the villainess gone, a new one takes her

                                place in a way and that was not expected.


                                The story is a good one and ends well. K9 is

                                used to good effect and I don't really mind his

                                voice being all that different but I do miss

                                John Leeson. Lalla gets really good in the role

                                (not that she wasn't in DESTINY or CITY, she was

                                but here this was her first performance and she

                                goes from a Mary Tamm impersonation to her own

                                version of Romana and it comes off well). Tom is

                                great as always and during this period he's

                                rarely bad. One thing: in this story and a few

                                others from last season and maybe this one: the

                                Doctor seems to stop his various execution

                                threats leveled against him by just shouting,

                                "WAIT" or "STOP" and the killers obey him.

                                That's..a bit strange but he's so commanding as

                                the Doctor maybe it would work.


                                Anyway onward we go in yes, the best season of

                                DW ever!










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