Last episode Joker called Robin, Boy Bumpkin and this episode he brings back the “Boy Blunder” and it never gets old. Jane remains in Joker’s con and it’s odd we do not see him with a moll, possibly for the first time. The Bat Fight is a good one and Joker going up and down on the Bat Pole is a novel idea as is the idea that Joker spreads rumors that Batman is afraid of him. The scene where Joker is on the phone and Batman is behind him on another line is funny. During the Bat Fight, the stunt double really does look like Burt as Robin for what is probably the first time. I have to wonder if they have a new stunt man but the older one seems to be there, too! ?  

Joker brandishing a gun in Wayne Manor, threatening Jane is quite…disturbing. He even points it at Aunt Harriet telling her, “One peep out of you and I’ll blow your head off.”  Burt’s problem is noticeable mostly on the art mobile again but his “tights” look realistically not there as if Robin is bare legged again which he is not. Everyone’s doing a great job and the plot is rounded out but not sure why Joker would go to Wayne Manor after his art schemes but for revenge and some loot…of course if Joker could open an art school for rich women…why wouldn’t he just settle for making money that way instead of all these insane criminal plots. He’s crazy?


A fun episode again with Bruce worrying that he and Robin have been seen together far too much of late and people would be suspicious….of them being Batman and Robin.


Alfred’s paintings are purposely childish and hilarious. He gifts one to O’Hara.




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