ONES has a lot of known …uhm, faces. Colin appears as the Commandant of the
airport (and is called Number One, which is ironic because he appears in an
early THE PRISONER as yet another New Number Two). Jean Rock is played by the
ever present Wanda Ventham, who will appear again in DOCTOR WHO (IMAGE OF THE
FENDHAL, TIME AND THE RANI) over time as well as the classic UFO series by
Gerry Anderson. The immigration officer is played by Chris Tranchell who will
play Andred (Leela’s to be husband) on Gallifrey in INVASION OF TIME.
The location
work looks good…but a bit like 1940s America or 1930s England. The TARDIS on
the back of a truck is a stunner. Hiding behind airplane wheels? Polly sees a
murder, ala HART TO HART style, not to mention SCOOBY DOO. By a ray gun. You
can see ABOUT TIME why the aliens’ plans and background MAKE NO SENSE and that
book is totally right. But episode 1 is still a mystery and the Moffat-like
illogic has not cropped up yet. Which is why most episode one’s are probably
the best of DOCTOR WHO…the strangeness of being in a new local does not bore
and is different from last week AND the disappointment of a half hearted story
that makes little logical sense has not set in…yet. Although again…why the
Doctor and his friends rush OUT of the TARDIS on a runway in an airport rather
than retreat inside is odd.
It’s a pity
to have a story that loses Ben and Polly so soon. I liked them a lot and wish
there were more stories with them in it and wish the ones they were in were ALL
Two good
episodes both showcasing the Doctor as many things: detective, saboteur, rebel
rouser, frustrated fugitive in an airport and a colony, humble after saving
everyone, and chemist and engineer. Troughton is simply amazing.
BTW: it’s of
note that it is Polly and Jamie that are hugging close and holding hands so
I also love
many of the Doctor’s lines in THE MACRA TERROR part 4. To allay Polly’s fears,
“Come now, Polly, there’s nothing to fear or rather I think there’s nothing
here to fear.” And it is around this time his throat clearing became more
constant. He also says to the Pilot, “Bad laws are made to be broken.” Troughton’s very amazing.
There’s a
lot of things that bother me about this episode, the least of which is…if
you’re going to replace Polly at all (rumor has it that they didn’t want to
replace her but with Mike Craze being forced to leave, the competent actress
thought it was time for her to go, too), you might as well replace her with
someone equally talented…say, Wanda Ventham as Jean Rock but in this episode we
get…Pauline Collins as Samantha Briggs! Annoying from the start, wearing a huge
hat like a box on her head and poking at the fake Polly…she grates from day
one. She seems to throw compliments at Jamie, fancying him. ABOUT TIME seems to
feel (she’s from Liverpool) she’s a lot like Dodo but I feel she’s a lot worse.
About Jamie:
ABOUT TIME feels that Jamie between his girl shy self in THE MACRA TERROR and
his flirty, confident sex appeal self in THE FACELESS ONES, must have acquired
some, erm, experience in an unseen adventure. I’ll say. He also hides…several
times from police and an inspector who is looking for the dead detective…behind
a newspaper with is knees and kilt showing and as they know he’s in a kilt.
Added to that this new inspector knows that his quarry was inspecting Chameleon
Tours, he might think that would be a good place to start!
Add to all
of that nonsense this OTHER nonsense about Michelle Leuppe from Zurich…the
Doctor quickly deduces that this copy of Polly is not Polly at all in what must
be the first time a companion is fully replaced by an alien. Again, I hate to
lose Polly AND Ben and here it appears that both are KILLED. Ben finds Polly in
a crate with her eyes wide open and motionless. Then, in full view of the
Doctor who’s watching from a screen, Ben is zapped by an alien from behind and
is told to get rid of the body! One would be forgiven thinking they were both
killed! To be replaced by the inferior Pauline Collins as Sam Briggs. Pauline
also plays Queen Victoria in TOOTH AND CLAW in David Tennant’s first season.
Where she was better.
This won’t
be the last time the Doctor sees what could be a murder from the other side of
a scanner or TV monitor and is helpless to do anything about it (WHEEL IN
Troughton is good as the Doctor again and most of this works due to him. He
throws a rubber ball and pretends it is a bomb! There’s also a great sequence
where he, Ben, and Jamie confer inside a photo booth and when someone opens the
curtain, they pretend they are taking pictures. This was mildly amusing and it
could have been funnier.
The aliens
send postcards from their kiosk to the families of the missing young people
they kidnap. They also seem to advertise they are Chameleon by their name. And
more nonsense.
It must be
said that the story is an enjoyable runaround so far but it could have been
better if the plot were better. Also the whole Ben and Polly thing distracts
from enjoying it fully. The cliffhanger involves the Doctor being gassed into a
frozen ice face or something…again. I can’t imagine what members of the
audience thought if they knew the actors who played Ben and Polly were leaving.
They must have figured they were being killed off!!!
Let me get
this straight: the Doctor finds another body frozen in a crate in Chameleon
Tours offices, rushes to the main control room, sees the man there, and
recognized him as an imposter who is acting as an air traffic controller. THEN,
the Doctor uses the freeze pen to scare the man away. The man runs away, leaves
his station empty and …what? Does anyone replace him at his station?
The alien
then goes back to Chameleon and is told by his superior to return there and
plant a device on the Doctor’s back that will kill the Doctor once and for all.
The show becomes James Bond with the aliens trying hard to kill him in various
ways and failing. No explanation why the button on his back doesn’t kill him
but downs him until Jamie destroys it.
To get back
to the alien imposter…the alien returns to his station and manages to plant the
button on the Doctor…and NOW, the Doctor doesn’t recognize him and even asks
him if they’ve met in the past. WHAT? Is the writer kidding me right now? The
man sits down and resumes his job!!! No one seems to remember him or stops him.
If the aliens had some power to make people forget, it would have been nice to
let us in on it but if so, they’d have no reason to kill the Doctor. They don’t
and this is just ridiculous.
Okay, so knowing
there are aliens in control of this particular tour group, the inspector
(Crossland) is sent by the Doctor and Jamie to distract them, is taken prisoner
at ray gun and allowed to watch how the pilot and his stewardess make all the
passengers (most of them young) vanish from the plane! Maybe a raid with a lot
of police would have been better? The commandant, with definite proof of murder
and kidnapping, acts like none of this is happening. No one seems to be
thinking. Oh and uh Jamie and the Doctor investigate the rooms while Sam is
somewhere else?
I hate to
say it but this episode is not great. Troughton still holds his own and Ventham
and he have a good but brief rapport. Even Sam seems to be sympathetic as she
worries about her brother Ryan who is missing. Ben and Polly are still missing
and do not appear at all.
Okay, we have a lot of stupid people here. Jamie. Samantha.
Nurse Pinto. The stewardess. The Commandant. Even the Doctor. The Chameleons.
One at a time. Sam, Jamie and the Doctor are captured and
immobilized. In true BATMAN villain mode, the Chameleon that captured them,
leaves them in a JAME BOND-GOLDFINGER laser trap from which they escape. Not
ten minutes later, Samantha, alone, tries to sneak onto one of the tours by
giving her passport, money, and real name to…Chameleon Tours, who don’t catch
on too quick. For Jamie sneaks on first, stealing her ticket and since it is
under S. Briggs, they don’t catch on. Apparently UK airports don’t require
first names? Jamie and Sam both know that the plane is not taking people to
destinations but to somewhere in outer space so they…do this…without the
Doctor’s knowledge or without the Doctor. Really dumb.
Equally dumb, although the Chameleon leader catches on…he
doesn’t inform the stewardess…and though he recognizes and recaptures Samantha,
he doesn’t notice Jamie… who got on without a passport, a fake name, AND a fake
ticket. And even though he tells her that someone got on without a passport,
I’m not sure we ever are told that it was Jamie or Sam. Either way, he should
have know and informed her. Yet he chastises her! In fact, she not only missed
the passport thing, she also FORGETS Jamie went to the toilet faking sickness
AND forgets to check his seat to find his “belongings.” We’re not yet told that the passengers are
being shrunken (and immobilized?) so that is why I thought they were being
somehow teleported to the other place or planet or space station. Wink wink.
BTW Jamie stole her ticket by kissing her on the lips…and she responded. This
might be the first time a companion kisses someone and gets kissed by someone.
The Commandant is according to the Doctor still thinking in
Earth terms. Indeed. He’s too stupid to realize what is happening, too. He
sends the RAF to follow the plane which results in the RAF pilot crashing and
probably dying when the “plane” fires a ray at his face and seems to blind him.
Despite the Doctor telling him it is someone from outer space. The Doctor also
expects to find the alien Meadows at his place in the air traffic control! What
another dope! He also never realized what was happening under his nose and when
it is revealed Crossland is missing, he doubts foul play or outer space aliens!
What a dope.
On the plus side, Jean Rock believes and helps the Doctor
when he asks her to distract Nurse Pinto from the Med Centre and she does this
in what is the only fun scene. The Doctor wanders around the med centre but he
then switches buttons and…entirely misses the opening wall where the real Nurse
Pinto is hidden behind. Uhm, despite him missing this…WHY IS she still there?
Jean is almost a proto type for Liz Shaw: smart, fun, and not annoying at all,
almost the anti-Samantha Briggs. What a great companion she would have made.
Jean, that is, not Samantha. Shudder shudder.
On the plus side, I find it fantastic that we have so many
of these tele-snaps and the audio of the entire story. Yes, some of the snaps
have to be supplemented several times. Plus, the plane turning into a spaceship
is an animated thing and that’s good. I also find it highly suspect. I mean I
wonder if the “missing stories” actually exist somewhere in full.
In any case, this episode is really just a huge filler one.
The Doc wanders around. More people are kidnapped. Most of characters act
stupid. The Doc finds out…that aliens are using switches to kidnap people.
Which he found out before. AND there are TWO death attempts on the Doctor and
one is a James Bond one that they get out of using a mirror from Sam’s handbag
(maybe the Doctor and Jamie should get utility belts?). Then Jenkins holds a
ray gun on the Doctor in the med centre BUT a civilian wanders in and prevents
him. Why not just shoot her, too?
We are approaching mindlessness Doctor Who and it’s almost
as bad as THE CHASE but without the humor that mess evoked and without trying
too hard to be anything other than filler. If that. In fact, DW in the 60s and
probably the 70s stretched stories out because it was cheaper to do a story
that lasted longer in one setting than to have to depict a totally new and
often alien or historical setting. Which may have saved money but lost viewers?
I mean I don’t know if it is rumor or not but it’s been reported that DW was
almost cancelled in 1969. Then there are those who believed DW ended in 1969 to
be replaced by a new show called Doctor Who. But that’s another story.
I’m afraid, while this episode is certainly watchable, it’s
not very good.
WHO-THE FACELESS ONES episodes 5 and 6
Well, five
was okay but six is really boring. This story plagued on far too long. The
whole thing is rather predictable. The pilot of the plane was electrocuted. The
Doctor uses Meadows to figure out the rest of the plan of the Chameleons.
First, they lost their identities AND faces in a huge explosion? What? And
their memories? If so, how did they plan this…mess of a mission to take 50,000
young people, miniaturize them, and use their image to exist? None of this
makes much sense. The Commandant is fully on the Doc’s side now. Jean shoves a
chair into Meadows who tried to escape. She and Sam search for the 25 missing
people who are part of the airport staff taken by the aliens. They also stop
Meadows who finally does escape.
Once Meadows
revealed Nurse Pinto as a Chameleon and where the real Nurse was, Pinto almost
becomes yet another pseudo companion as she helps the Doctor sneak onto the
last flight out, he posing as Meadows posing as the Doctor! In any event, they
are quickly caught and almost killed but the Doctor uses the 25 bodies as a
ploy to get Blade on his side. Blade kills the Director when the Director
refuses to care about those 25 and he also kills a Chameleon posing as
Jamie. It all works out in the end and
the Doctor promises to lend the Chameleon scientists a helping idea or two on
how to fix their dilemma…you know of having no memories, identities and faces!
When he planned on that, I have no idea but maybe in between landing again?
goodbye to Jamie is a bit sad as they kiss again. Then, there’s Polly and Ben’s
goodbye. It’s a novel idea …at least then, to have Polly and Ben stay on the
very same day they left their time. They really didn’t want to stay with the
Doctor but wanted to continue their normal life. The Doctor tells them they are
lucky, he never got back to his home! They look sad as they leave him. It was
sad to lose them both as they were good companions. Ben opted to stay if the
Doctor really needed him. Jamie promises to watch out for the Doctor.
again, there’s nothing wrong with these two episodes, other than the entire
plot and premise and the alien plan and background (!), the last episode really
put me to sleep. If this had been four parts and better plotted and detailed,
maybe this would have worked better. As it stands, it’s not one of Troughton’s
most memorable, despite some good make up for the aliens and a few good scenes
here and there and at least three or even five pseudo companions. The
Commandant can almost be a Brigadier trial run.
This ends
with the cliffhanger into EVIL OF THE DALEKS as the TARDIS has been stolen…
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