DARK SHADOWS episodes 3 to 10


DARK SHADOWS ep 3: We start out with some nice location shots of Roger in his car driving! He stops and goes out the full cottage that Maggie and her father Sam Evans live in! There's a banging sound on Vicki's window and a location shot of where her room is from outside. It is not quite spooky but it might have been meant to be. Carolyn knocks and enters and Vicki knows she is Carolyn. They talk and Carolyn does not know Burke Devlin but...and this is odd and disturbing...when Carolyn talks about her Uncle Roger she says things like, "He sends me," and "isn't he a doll?" I...she then seems to think she wants a choice between Joe Haskell, a fisherman that her mother wants her to marry that we met last episode or...who? Roger? I...don't know what to think or even write. There's a camera shadow against Vicki's wall over her bed just over Carolyn. Carolyn, later, talks about Issac, who's picture hangs in the drawing room. The door that Vicki shut to the room opens. Bill Malloy meets Roger at the Collinsport Inn's diner where Maggie works and we learn that Burke is an ex con. He tells Strake to go back to NY. This is before Burke becomes boring and his lines about ghosts are interesting, in hindsight. When Vicki and Carolyn return to her room, the letter she wrote to her friend is out of the drawer and on her bed. David? Burke also reminds me that almost the entire history of DS has someone come to visit who starts trouble and/or has had history with the family or someone related or connected to them in some way. Still interesting and spooky.

DARK SHADOWS ep 4  1966

This episode takes place entirely at Collinwood. Vicki has her hands full: Liz leaves her alone to be questioned by Roger, who’s worried about Burke Devlin. Roger annoys Vicki into wanting to leave. Vicki, later, hears ghost-like crying echoing throughout the house and goes to the empty drawing room. So was that a ghost? I mean if it was supposed to be Liz crying, it sounds very unlike her…for the most part. If you listen closely, you can also hear voices murmuring…or was that a blooper of the crew or other cast members talking when they were not supposed to? Or the ghosts of the Widows? As Vicki walks through the house more than once in this episode, a level of tension arises; Roger also seems to be stalking Vicki outside her bedroom door, stopped by Liz. Only Carolyn seems nice to her while Liz seems protective. A door opens and closes in the hallway (probably David spying on Vicki) and the scene stealing David appears out of the shadows, ghostlike, at the upstairs landing in the foyer, telling Vicki one thing, “I hate you.” Super. A super episode. Note: There are at least two “I DON’T KNOWS” in this episode. And this ends the first night of Vicki from episode one to episode four. There also seems to be a bug on the floor when Liz and Roger both question Vicki. We also hear Roger’s pet name for Carolyn, “Kitten,” twice.


These four episodes detail VICTORIA WINTER'S first night in Collinsport

and Collinwood. The first thing to note is that this is a soap opera and

it takes time to unfold. Not that slow always equals bad or boring, in

fact, these four episodes are far from boring. They set up all the

mysteries and all the characters in fun and scary fashion and give almost

nothing away, except that it is Roger haunting Victoria in ep 4. The first

ep is rather strong with the filmed location stuff, Victoria on the train,

at the train station, and her car pulling up to Collinwood and earlier to

the Inn. She meets Maggie, has flashbacks to her friend Stacy ("Go out to

Long Island and have a ball"---in fact a few characters--Carolyn for

one--- talk about having a ball) and meets Burke Devlin. Maggie is played

as a wise cracking blond and it doesn't really work. There is the hotel

caretaker played by DIFFERENT STROKES actor Conrad Baine (wasn't he in

MAUDE too?) who appears a few times in the first year or so and then

vanishes, only to get killed by a werewolf a few years later! We meet Liz

and Roger far before Victoria does and they are a brooding pair but say

some funny things such as Roger's answer to Liz's inquiry about where

David is, "The little monster's asleep and I for once couldn't be

happier." In fact, we're introduced to David through others' chats about

him before he appears at the very end of ep4 where David gives a great

performance of "I hate you," with such venom. The old lady on the train

and Vicki's friend and her foundling home lady add to the background of

Vicki but it is kind of clear that Vicki is really probably Liz's

daughter. They had planed on that for some time but the show took a

different direction. I must admit the fog, the music, the camera angles,

the filmed stuff, the brooding dialog and atmosphere all add up to a great

shows and it's hard to see why the show was failing before BARNABUS or

maybe that is just fan rumor, maybe it wasn't. It's also interesting to

note a few mentions of Roger's wife and David's mother...in what will

later be the first supernatural storyline and character...Vicki thought

she was dead, Carolyn tells her she thought wrong, and David, when the

creepy boy is smashing Vicki's initials off her suitcase in ep5 says,

"Mother," three times or so as he looks out the window. There are creepy

sobs (Liz crying over her past or ghosts?, talks of ghosts, and lots of

dread, also the Widow's Hill cliff makes an appearance...in long shot and

filmed sequence. Vicki goes out the back door of Collinwood in long shot

and walks through the back parts of the patio...amazing stuff. We also see

Roger drive to Maggie and Sam's cottage where he bangs on the door

(despite later telling Maggie that he's not the banging type!). And we see

the Blue Whale as Carolyn shakes her...well, her everything. The music she

dances to is funny but the scene is kind of played straight as is almost

all of DARK SHADOWS. We see the kitchen/breakfast room in Collinwood and

the hotel kitchen/bar/grill. Maggie calls everyone in that house kooks.

Carolyn and Vicki bond; Roger at first menaces Vicki about Devlin but

later apologizes to her. Vicki, after David's "I hate you," prepares to

leave. It all sets up the situations rather nicely and it's not boring but

does move at a leisurely pace. And sometimes that's nice. Carolyn also

tells Vicki that her uncle Roger does not turn into Dracula at night and

that he does not bite...some nice foreshadowing unintentionally (?). The

interior sets are well done. The scene where Vicki and Carolyn chat in

Vicki's room contain shots of boom mikes and shadows of boom mikes, the

unintentional ghosts of Dark Shadows that would plague the show almost to

the very end...and which gives it much of its charm. Maggie gives us a

flub when she can't seem to say the letter B or something in ep1and Vicki

finally arrives at the house and enters at the very end of ep1. Mysteries

include: the sobbing at 2am, the Burke Devlin return and why Roger is so

nervous about it, Roger's advances to Vicki and why Liz does not want any,

David being so strange, Carolyn's wanting to leave and her boyfriend Joe

Haskell, Burke's investigations of the Collins family, and Vicki's past

and why she was hired. The doors opening, the windows opening from wind,

the doorknobs turning, and strange sounds have already started and it's

just great.




 DARK SHADOWS ep 5 1966

Vicki’s first morning in the house happens here. We see the breakfast room. Roger apologizes to Vicki and turns on the charm, uses the word kitten to Carolyn, and tells Vicki to give David a kick for him if she sees him. David’s quite the creepy little brat here. Remember this is pre-OMEN days although some creepy kids graced movies (THE BAD SEED). David calls, “Mother,” twice. Vicki’s origins are discussed by herself and Carolyn (there seems to be a camera shadow). There’s location work as Vicki goes out of the house, to widow’s hill, stands there and goes back home. The set includes her first meeting with Sam (Mark Allen now) who says a bunch of mysterious and creepy things and leaves. Vicki decides to stay. We also see Carolyn ironing! We see the breakfast room with its large patio window doors. This episode is good because it further Vicki’s friendship with Carolyn, who hasn’t yet turned into the brat she later becomes during this year. It also makes David the creepiest kid around and establishes his power in the show and the house. Vicki’s story is probably that she is Liz’s daughter! A good episode that takes place entirely during the day! Oh, and Sam tells the story of Josette, who can be heard sobbing, he says. Like the sobbing Vicki heard last night in the last episode (4). She came from France and her husband build the house for her! The episode also establishes Vicki as an orphan again and a letter she received. One David rolls up and throws down. The clues point to Vicki needing to stay. Another good episode.


“I hope we can be friends.”

There’s at least one I DON’T KNOW. And Joan flubs Matthew Morgan’s name as Martin when talking to David, who’s hiding in the basement but Vicki could not find him. Liz checks the locked “storage room” in the basement, which is really a creepy place (and contains an antique radio of the kind that Uncle Lewis cursed in FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE SERIES). Matthew Morgan, here played by the guy from LAND OF THE GIANTS-SIX HOURS TO LIVE, menaces Vicki but Liz puts him at ease. He used to work in the cannery but 18 years ago Liz hired him for the house, gave him his own house not from Collinwood, and fired all the other help. Vicky, urged by Carolyn, who is still nice, asks Liz what she knows, interrogating her and finding out nothing but that Roger heard about her from someone at the Hammond Foundling home and that is why he recommended her to Liz for David…We also learn that the curbs sneak up on drivers and that Vicki can drive. Someone sent 50 dollars to the home where Vicki was. There’s also a talk or two about David’s mother being away. Vicki reads AMERICA SAILS THE SEAS. Liz offers David a book, THE ROVER BOYS, a series of books that Roger used to read (and the books have been down in the basement for over 20 years), to David but David, feeling that his father hates him and told him so, refuses it. These episodes fly by and was over before I knew it. It was another good episode, keeping the mystery of Vicki going.






Darien answers the phone calls, doing the time and the phone service. We actually see another house across the street from Maggie and Sam’s cottage…from their inside window! There’s also a nice outdoor location shoot of Sam walking the street to the cottage. Before that, he is seen walking, briefly past what seems to be a dock or a boating factory or both. Sam seems to flub one line. Later, when Burke visits there is a hint of shadow of a camera or mike moving. It’s ironic that Maggie states they couldn’t pay her enough to live and work at Collinwood as that’s what she will do in the future of the series, much later on. She also asks what Victoria’s name was. Despite some obvious charms from all three, Roger, Sam, and especially Burke are all rather unlikable characters, with Roger a nervous worried wreck, Sam a miserable drinker, and Burke a prying (don’t like how he questions Vicki) and strange man (saying he kills infants and attacks widows and that he’s Vicki’s oldest friend). Maggie reveals the newspaper that is local is only once a week. We see a car outside the Collinsport Inn. Roger also briefly says something to a man tending the office desk, who then goes upstairs? Vicki seemed to arrive “last night”. This might be the first time the gentle music is used. Roger calls Carolyn who is not seen and calls her Kitten once. Vicki calls the Hammond Foundling Home to talk to Miss Hopewell in the rousing cliffhanger. Just kidding. While there’s nothing terrible about this episode, it’s not that interesting but far from the boring Burke stuff that will drag on later.





Why does Carolyn tell Liz that Vicki went to town to find out if Liz was telling the truth? Is she starting her nasty phase? Carolyn mentions that Liz could have hired someone from Bangor or Lewiston or in the area. For the records I always thought Vicki was Liz’s daughter. Miss Hopewell appears during her phone call from Vicki. Hopewell claims she talked to the entire staff, which means Liz IS lying to Vicki but Vicki just sort of lets it go. Liz claims they never had a stranger living in Collinwood. Joe visits and brings yellow flowers to Carolyn and also flowers for Liz. Joe is an ex fisherman, Bill Malloy’s offered him a desk job (a checker) for more money: 25 dollars more a week. Joe can save 500 dollars a year! Carolyn says she loves Joe but clearly she doesn’t love him enough to marry him or even want to marry him. We get an “I don’t know,” from Carolyn followed by a, “All I know…”  Hopewell dictates a letter to Collinswood. A man who is a private detective ---a Mr. Wilbur Strake (the same one hired by Burke). Not sure this letter ever goes anywhere?


A standard soap ep but not bad for what it is. The Vicki storyline is meaningful and the only thing stopping it from being more interesting is the fact that it does go NO WHERE and we all know that in hindsight now. Frankly, her mother and father could be anyone (maybe even Roger or is he too young? With Laura?). I always adhere to the fact that Vicki IS Liz’s daughter but the father is up for grabs really. Bill Malloy? Jason? Sam Evans? Paul Stoddard? The sheriff? Richard Garner? Matthew? There was another man Liz talked to over the years, too, maybe him? BTW Bill was in ep 3. At times, the musical cues are…oddly placed, stopping and starting as soon as they start or loud in places they should not be.





Nothing says anyone should like this episode but I do. Carolyn isn’t as yet as unsympathetic as she would become as the Devlin thing wears on. Vicki is present and Alexandra Moltke can do no wrong at this time of the series and is front and center even if she’s just writing a letter. Later, she’ll become a mere victim who’s totally clueless about everything, especially the men in her life but now she’s just charming. Her relationship with Carolyn is the highlight of this episode. Carolyn gets to tell Vicki some of the truths about her own fear: she’s putting on an act and wants to find out more about Burke Devlin.


Carolyn also tells Vicki the story of Josette, briefly and the other two women, both governesses who threw themselves off Widow’s Hill and mentions the madman who built “this house.” Of course this will all change in the future of the show and it will not be old man Jeremiah (who will not even be an old man) who built the house or caused this. Ironically, when Barnabas tells them the story of Josette, it is Carolyn who is really afraid of the story (in a terrific scene well played played by Nancy). Here, Carolyn jokes that legend has it a third governess is supposed to be found at the bottom of the cliffs, too.



Other talk is of ghosts and goblins. Bill Malloy fears if Carolyn doesn’t leave now when things starts happening thanks to Burke she will have dreams and see ghosts. Liz insists there are no ghosts here. A knock on the door reveals on one and a shattered tea cup. Liz blames David, who’s not in this episode. Was it him? Do we ever learn if it was?


Another charmer of an episode that ends with Carolyn going to the hotel, mailing a letter for Vicki and calling Burke at his room so she can come up to visit him!


Of note: Liz comes off as strong and determined, not to be undermined by the possible threat of Burke who may want the Collins fishing fleet, factory and house. Joan has some strong dialog and handles it well. Bill has a niece that he wants to send Carolyn to and his niece has a daughter Jenny.


The music goes right into the credits and then the end DS music starts.



DARK SHADOWS episode 10

This episode is an odd one. There are so many lines and bits of dialog that seem….almost out of context with this time on the show and more in line with what will come next about ghosts and “lots of things happen here,” kind of scripting. Burke calls himself a monster when Carolyn enters his hotel room. They toast to the death of the monster. Carolyn has a funny line in that she can only have one ginger ale a night.


Another thing to notice is that although later, the Burke and Carolyn thing will become nauseating and boring, it’s not yet and their rapport is a mixture of charming and unnerving as Burke uses the phone call…to fool Carolyn into thinking he’s made a business deal while holding down the receiver, (his pre-arranged reminder call) and his motives are still very much unclear and a bit…scary I might say. The call he fakes include him talking to someone he names as Jose from Venezeula.


Speaking of scary, David: he’s all dirty and holding something in his hand. I dare ask what it is. Are they implying he killed an animal? Or is this the dirt from when David sabotages his father’s car. Roger finds David hiding and is almost abusive to him but calms himself down in a rare moment but David is mean to him and when Roger releases him, oddly David calls, “Mother! Mother!” His mother is nowhere in this episode and won’t be in the show for quite some time so it’s odd. Maybe he feels Liz is his mother but for him, at his sage, to call Liz that? Or was something else going on here?


Roger’s early phone call to Liz is funny as Liz refuses to tie Vicki down or lock her in her room and we hear only Liz’s part of the conversation.


The credits seem to start with some of the incidental music still playing but it’s okay as it gives it a fresh feel.


The fly lands on the sofa in Burke’s hotel.


Surprisingly an effective episode that draws you into the storyline of Burke, who meets Liz again for the first time since he’s been back when Carolyn brings him home! Liz seems to have some kind of dream and mutters about “Ghosts, there are no ghosts here.”  David blames the tea cup shattering on a force that sounds like a ghost. “Things happen here. Lot of things happen here.”



My original review, which spotlights how time and place may form opinion. I haven’t seen DS since around last October (of 2019!) so…ep 10 is fresh DS for me…





      Okay this is probably why some people prefer the new DS over the classic

      better DS. These two episodes are tedious at best. The Burke stuff is

      already becoming monotonous and boring and slow moving...slower than

      possible. Here we get him manipulating Carolyn all the way and getting

      himself into Collinwood to have some sparring with Liz. We have David and

      his toy robot (which I'm sure also appeared in VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE

      SEA-THE TERRIBLE TOYS). I think we also have Liz giving David a boy book

      about the ROVING BOYS or something like that. David hides on Liz who spots

      him earlier; David hides and overhears an important conversation between

      Liz and Roger about his mum, Burke Devlin, and how Liz made Roger leave

      Collinwood with his wife...we get little info but these bits are the best

      part of these two eps. Sam and the hotel guy (Conrad Baine) have a lot of

      conversation as Sam walks up to the hotel (GREAT LOCATION WORK) outside

      and looks for Maggie, he's drunk yet he makes more sense than all of his

      other scenes put together.


      Sam phones Collinwood looking for Roger but get Liz and overhears that

      Burke is there and hangs up before revealing who he is. Then he leaves for

      the bar and then comes back to talk to the hotel man again. There's not

      even a huge moth or fly to liven things up as before. Then Carolyn

      explains all of what happened in ep 10 in ep 11 to Liz, telling her they

      do not have to fear Burke. Yeah, they kinda do.


      Sam talks of Burke acting like a Trojan Horse and spreading his fear to

      everyone in the house. Vicki is, sadly missing from these eps and it

      shows and it felt. When she's not around, the show loses its

      focus...something the makers of the show, the writers should have taken

      stock in. They realized it for when Alexandria M left, they tried to

      recast her but it just didn't work. Another thing they should have

      realized earlier than they did is that the supernatural stuff works better

      for a show like this. The crashed tea cup and the door opening must have

      been David even if the little liar insists they are not. There is

      brilliant supernatural type music but accompanying...in these episodes,

      phone calls, Liz going through a door, and Carolyn walking up steps.


      Other than illustrating David's complicated non rapport with his cold

      father (who almost seems to say that he wishes he never had David) and the

      warmth between David and Liz AND Carolyn's stupidity and naiveté, these

      two episodes are just really boring and watching this at the same time as

      watching eps of BUFFY are like watching a LOST WORLD silent movie with

      JURASSIC PARK. One has a fast pace, quick relationship issues without

      boring us over a season, and plots that just grab us and surprise us. The

      surprises might be in store for the Burke storyline but they take forever

      getting to us. And when they do, do we care?


      It's helpful to remember that this is a soap opera and shown every day.

      Compared to other soaps of the day---where people just sit around talk in

      rooms---on hindsight THIS is very close to that---DS ranks higher. I would

      hate to see old reruns of those shows. In fact, I did once and once was

      enough...it was a half hour of GENERAL HOSPITAL with Roy Thinnis and

      someone else just sitting and talking and drinking coffee in a room with a

      curtain across it at a table...the entire half hour. Again DS ranks higher

      than those overall but these two eps, bar the location work and the sets,

      come close to that.





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