Okay, in his acting to fool Penguin into believing show business is in his blood, Batman calls Robin, “Robin, baby.” WT? Penguin’s plan is to get into room z of the Hexagon military building (is this in Gotham?). When breaking in, one of Penguin’s men seems to hurt his face on the door busting and rubs it later. On the walls are CORN COB PIPES and weapons. What? Hilda and Marsha are in Gotham Central Park trying to find old toads. Penguin moves a dog out of the seat of his glide chair. Is this Marsha’s dog?


The more interesting scene in this cornball episode (yes, Penguin’s episodes are straining it now) is when Batman uses the auto control to call the Batmobile into service to get to where he and Robin have been catapulted toward and it has to stop for two boys in the middle of the road who stop to pick up a ball! The trunk emits a net to capture the duo.


It’s rather surprising that Penguin holds off Batman and Robin himself, rolling barrels into the knight armor wearing duo while letting his henchmen get away. If the chase isn’t impressive enough, through rain coated streets, the actual outdoor Hydraulic Scrap Crusher location and set pieces are. The duo are thrown, after being gassed by Penguin, into a crusher and set to be crushed.


Okay, this is another goofball episode and yes, it strains credibility that no one checks the armor and that anyone believes Penguin will be a legit movie maker or that the US Army would let Penguin anywhere near the Hexagon. Marsha does nothing this episode but wear a wild 60s outfit and talk like Mortica Addams, “Darling.”  This is the show running on almost empty while looking better than ever.  And a lot of this feels like slow moving filler.


The actor playing the General is the man who voiced the best Fred Flintstone. The other actor, his aide, is played by an actor who will later voice Commissioner Gordon in some animated Batman.


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