BATMAN 69-The Contaminated Cowl
BATMAN-69-The Contaminated Cowl
This is just not a good episode. It makes Batman and Robin
almost Abbott and Costello. They climb up a building of glass to try to be
inconspicuous at a party? Batman bumps into table? Robin gets kicked in the
shins by Mad Hatter? Robin AND Batman right after him get overpowered by
henchmen WITHOUT a fight? The fight at the party is well enough but…Robin gets
knocked down and has to be saved again, this time briefly. Batman’s cowl is
sprayed by Mad Hatter with radioactive spray…why doesn’t he just use that again
later? Alfred seems to be washing all of Batman’s other cowls AND seems to say
he has others on order? From who? Mad Hatter used to terrify me as his ray
hitting people seemed to kill them but the music suggests they are just
sleeping. The cliffhanger is interesting if a bit lame, though. Burt has that
problem and probably will always have that problem but at least for him it is a
good one to have. This story was based on an April 1956 Batman comic. Robin
gets picked up by the henchmen and spins his feet? Wow. This is the first
episode of 1967 and it’s pretty bad. On top of that we see the same exact clips
of the Batmobile arriving at Gordon’s office and it’s pretty boring by now
after almost 30 times. Alternating the music or changing it to new music doesn’t
really help. The show’s grown a bit stale but has some good offerings ahead.
This isn’t one of them. Someone on line spotted the cable down the back of Mad
Hatter’s hat that makes it work!? Robin is called Wonder Boy by the German (?)
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