Nice location work of Vicki leaving Collinwood and walking down some steps. Where are these steps in relation to the main door? She goes to Sam, who’s singing a song, that has something like, “…down in the sea…” in a husky voice he sings. Carolyn, the biatch, gets one IDK. Carolyn is mad at Vicki for being in Bangor in the hotel at the same time as Burke. While nothing seemed to have happened, Vicki doesn’t explain where she spent the night and gets at least one zinger in to Carolyn, who seems to go back and forth at liking Vicki and NOT being her best friend. Liz seems to be covering up that SHE is Vicki’s mother or knows something about Vicki’s past while insisting she does not. She even says that the painting of B Hanscombe does not look like Vicki and gets Roger to go along with that but Carolyn assumes it is a painting of Vicki. Vicki tells Liz that Liz always avoids questions about the past. Earlier, Roger tells Liz that 18 years ago he was away at school and wouldn’t have known any butler her. Liz thinks this B or Betty---it’s a bit confused or she is---might be his niece or daughter. Sam, at the cottage, is in a great mood. He seems to think Vicki likes his flirting. Earlier, Roger insinuates to Carolyn that he and Vicki….just to cover up why he went to get her…the pen and his involvement or worry over the murder of Bill Malloy. A good Vicki episode but I wish we’d get some answers. Roger is very funny and Louie Edmunds must have been quite a character in real life. I love it when he says, “Is the boss free?” meaning Liz after Vicki exits the drawing room after talking to Liz. It must have been fun working with him or  knowing him. He’s very good, again. Carolyn gets one IDK.


My older review:

Liz is cold to Vicki the next morning. Carolyn is equally mean and only
told Liz half the story about Vicki's ride to Bangor with Burke. Roger,
for his own purposes, doesn't want Liz to browbeat Vicki this early in the
morning. Liz tells Vicki that Betty didn't work here or something like
that. She tells Vicki she trusts her. Vicki tells Liz the truth about
Burke taking her and fills in some info that Carolyn didn't but she
doesn't tell Liz that Carolyn was the one who called Burke down in the
first place. I would have!
Roger lies to Carolyn and tells her that he and Vicki were in the hotel,
insinuating that he and Vicki were intimate with each other! Carolyn buys
it. She tells him if they marry, Vicki will be her aunt! Carolyn is
horrible to Vicki here but Vicki stands up to her several times, answering
her back with stuff that Carolyn cannot counter. Roger, sarcastically asks
"Is the boss available?" when Vicki emerges from the talk with Liz in the
drawing room. Vicki calls Carolyn her best friend as she tells her off,
telling her that she was responsible for Burke coming down and offering
her the ride: Burke told her.
When Roger comes back out, he puts his arms around both girls and as Vicki
moves to leave for a walk to Sam Evan's Cottage without telling him, he
balks. "Now don't you start on me," she tells him. There's a brief outdoor
shot of Vicki walking down the steps of Collinwood and she has her scarf
on but by the time she reaches Sam's house I don't think there was a
scarf. She may have put it in her pocket.
Before she gets there, Sam is jovial and singing something like BE AWARE.
Sam quotes Alice In Wonderland, "Curiouser and curiouser" to Vicki about
her quest for being there. He's positively nice to her and compared to the
Collins, he's totally nice to her. Sam jokes that maybe Vicki was here to
see the cat. I'm not sure they have a cat! Vicki seems to flub about the
painting, "It isn't the likeness or the quality, it's the likeness..."
They discuss B Hanscomb and Betty. Sam tells Vicki that he and Maggie's
mum stayed to themselves. Originally, he and she were from Connecticut.
Sam says, "I'm sorry for not making you feel more at home since you
arrived here." He tells her that he tried to capture Betty's soul when he
painted it, something ironic as in later years paintings seem to do
exactly that. Sam gives the painting to Vicki.
Liz and Roger discuss Betty and B Hanscomb. Roger was away at school and
despite holidays, doesn't remember a butler. Liz thinks Betty could be B's
niece or daughter. Roger wonders why Liz is protecting Vicki as much as
she protects David and Carolyn. Liz says, "I told you, it is my
responsibility." Did we see her tell him this on screen? did I miss it? It
was in the synopsis but not on screen as far as I know. When Vicki return
with the painting, Liz and Roger feel it is nothing like Vicki's face.
Carolyn enters and happily tells Vicki it looks exactly like her...


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