DARK SHADOWS 186 Another terrific episode of DS. In what might be a first, there is NEW MATERIAL before the credits and before the reprise. It’s difficult to tell but the reprise looks and sounds exactly the same…maybe…but of course, as mentioned, it happens AFTER some new material featuring David, Sam and Vicki who are waiting for Guthrie in the Old House. Everyone is in top form and there’s not a flub in sight though Sam does sound as if he says, “I’m not sorry,” when he meant “I am sorry,” but it’s difficult to hear. There’s one bang from behind the scenes and some light or lights outside the Old House window but it could be the candles reflecting. The rapport between everyone is wonderful here: between Joe and Burke at the Blue Whale and later at the Old House; between David, Vicki and Sam at the Old House; and… …David Ford does a great job of conveying Sam’s nervousness. I love it when David wants to show Sam the rest of...