“We will use Miss Winters to force Barnabas into making you a mate. And I will help you.”


“You know I’m beginning to wonder about Barnabas Collins.”

Nancy B. Blair asks Adam where Vicki is. Adam, “I don’t know.”  Blair tells him, “Don’t lie to me, everyone else but not me.”  He tells him he can trust him. Adam says, “I don’t know” again.


NOTE: the closet Vicki is in looks as if the piece of it was sawed off from parts of the rest of the old set? The thunderstorm that started a few eps ago is still in play.



Finally, Adam shows Blair a sleeping Vicki. Blair has a plan and worries that Carolyn or that strange servant (Harry?) might come up here. Adam does not like to lie to Carolyn. Tomorrow night, Blair tells Adam they will bring her to the House By the Sea.



He gives Adam drugs to give to Vicki to make it easy to move her. He is to put it in her food. He will take Vicki away tomorrow night. Carolyn has brown eyebrows.


Blair lies to her downstairs. He gets in a IDK why Miss Winters disappeared. When Carolyn tells him that Barnabas was here earlier this evening and believes Adam is responsible for kidnapping Vicki, Nicholas asks her why. Her response is: IDK.


Jeff comes in and tells them Tom has had transfusions. Carolyn knows Tom, he’s a local handyman who did work for them once. He hasn’t an enemy in the world. Carolyn knows the grounds better than anyone and will help the sheriff search.



Blair tells Jeff that Barnabas was acting strange in the woods earlier. Jeff questions him about Barnabas, beginning to wonder about the peculiar Collins. Blair gets an IDK. Jeff also gets an IDK.



Daytime? Morning? Collinwood. Adam voice over. He wonders if Vicki is alive in the closet.


Carolyn brings him food early. She’s been up all night, worried about Vicki. Adam tries to make her feel better. Carolyn says, “You don’t know that anymore than I do. You’re just saying it to make me feel better.”


After she goes, Adam carries an awakening but weak Vicki out of the closet and puts her on the bed. He unties her hands and ungags her mouth. He gives her water and tells her he will not harm her.



Vicki is up and talks to Adam and even tries to make it to the door. This happens when he is drugging her drink (Tea? Juice? Water?) on the wooden tray that teeter totters on the table? He threatens to kill her if she is not quiet.



Blair, later, as it gets darker and the police have left, comes, to take her. Adam tells him, “You must not harm her.”  Adam wants to come with Blair but Blair tells him to stick to the plan-if Carolyn finds him missing that will not be good.



Blair believes Barnabas will start the experiment tonight. Blair carries the drugged Vicki out of the room.


Vicki finds herself imprisoned in a locked room in the House By the Sea, unaware of where she is. Vicki voice over. No sound in the room. But we do hear the ocean against the shore. Vicki realizes she hears that: she is near the ocean.



Blair opens the coffin and we see Angelique in it, full blond and with fangs. 4 second credits.


Review: kind of scary in a way with the Angelique as a vampire thing going for it and how Adam is so nasty now and lies to everyone.     

      In the teaser, the final music cue starts too early, and they have to start it over again.

Jeff trips over a word when he updates Carolyn on Tom’s condition: “They managed to get him to the hospital in time to give a transfoo-fusion. But he’s barely alive.”

When Adam walks over to the closet door with the vial in his hand, the camera that’s tracking with him bumps into something, and you can see one of the studio lights.




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