Things new DOCTOR WHO fans think that are sort of wrong and my response to the TEN MISTAKES video. What and why do new fans think these things?

 Here is my response to a video "THE TEN MISTAKES OF DOCTOR WHO by show runners who admit them" or something like that. Good editing on the video but this lady and her mistakes irk me. She seems to think that Time Lord is something that was always a part of DOCTOR WHO> it was not. Regeneration, 12 lives, the planet Gallifrey, two hearts, and most of the current things most fans think are and have always been a part of Doctor Who most didn't start until SIX years after the show began and a majority didn't start until the 11th season, 11 YEARS IN. New fans need to get their history right. 

First more history: 

At first, the Doctor wasn't touted as a Time Lord or even an alien. Nor was Susan. Sort of.

The first "regeneration" wasn't called that. It was called a rejuvenation, suggesting Troughton was a younger Hartnell. 

The second "regeneration" was just a forced change by the Time Lords who made the Doctor change his appearance. Neither of the first two regens were called RENGENERATION. 

The third regen was called that mostly due to Buddism ideas. The planet Gallifrey was not named until TERROR OF THE AUTONS in season EIGHT, eight years after the show started. The Words Time Lord didn't appear until SIX years after the show started. Time Lords were named in WAR GAMES. BTW< the planet the Doctor is from was first called Jewel some two weeks before THE TIME WARRIOR called it Gallifrey so the Doc is from Jewel. 

AND Time Lords could live FOREVER barring accidents. That wasn't changed until DEADLY ASSASSIN, some 15 years after the show started. And for Time Lords THAT WAS the end (12 lives, done) and then that changed in TIME OF THE DOCTOR or something. 

The First Doctor and most of the time of the Second Doctor, neither had TWO hearts or two pulses but ONE. That he had two hearts wasn't revealed or happened in SPEARHEAD FROM SPACE, seven years after the show started. The Doc had an exam in WHEEL IN SPACE in season 6 and Gemma never revealed anything unusual about the Doctor. Hmmm. Maybe his new heart grew as it did in the 8th Doctor novels?

At least twice in the show's run during Tom Baker, Tom's Doc declared he was no longer a Time Lord (or a medical Doctor even though Troughton's Doctor HAD  or almost had a medical degree). In BRAIN OF MORBIUS, PRYAMIDS OF MARS, and INVISIBLE ENEMY, Tom's Doc says things that make us think that when he severed his ties to the Time Lords, he lost some Time Lord abilities and didn't even consider himself a Time Lord, "not anymore, now I"m just a traveler." Fans ignore these things. In ENEMY, he even declares a physical part of his brain is gone or severed because he left and that made him no longer a Time Lord. 


Now my first response:

Let's take one at a time: Clara too passive? WHAT? No. She was not. It was better when she was active and she was often active and front and center, maybe too much. Susan wasted? First, she was and nor was the Doctor revealed as a full Time Lord. In fact, not only was the Doctor and Susan presented as humanoid there were no Time Lords and no real large expense account to give her a larger wardrobe (like today's spends on rather than moving about the worlds they're on--BOOM is one example of cheap DW where they just stay in one CGI set/area) and she was there to give teenagers and children someone they could identify with (the others were ALL adults) so making her alien-ish would not work well, today we tend to think there were always Time Lords but they were some 6 years away); Susan was fine; fans are often stupid by going wild (!) and WILD was fine and giving us nothing ahead of time about it----no clue to what it was about before hand worked, ditto the Daleks, keep them secret, that works; F the fans who will work up stupid theories, here RTD and Chibs were right; Revolution was a horrid script anyway, it would never work by making us know the Daleks aren't military geniuses and will ALL leave Earth for a trick Tardis after having conquered it; Resolution was a far better story; why no one remembered the Daleks from the dumb Journey's End anyway is another issue; btw Hiding the DALEKS is subtitled on your video as Hiding the TARDIS so blooper!; Four To Doomsday failed only in ONE way: the writer made Adric quite unlike himself as he was in EVERY other story: he was not against females, even though Adric is finally revealed as gay in Matthew's short story in the TARGET anthology; series 9 (and 8) had problems but there's nothing wrong with just giving us the Doctor and his companion instead of gimmicks about "new" characters, the problem with fans of the new series and the new series itself is it doesn't always brings back the same Tardis team and changes just for changes sake, the show is about the Doc and his friends, DONE! The opening wasn't stale for that reason, it was stale because it was a bad script.     Moffat's problem is his "new thing" idea in that he never thought the Doctor was enough. He's a terrible show runner and awful writer. Would love the fendahl to return but RTD was a great show runner and writer...back in 2005 to 2008 and maybe he would have done a great thing there but if the recent shitty Sutek return (Sutek returned in the audios TWICE and quite successfully so there's no excuse) proves he might have made a mess of a big powerful monster returning: he kept to mostly the smaller less god like beings; TIME FLIGHT'S least problem was the plasmatons---at once point Angela walks into the MASTER'S Tardis and never is seen again so Tegan could take over as stewardess and less successfully, Angela is either dead or still there and it's never addressed; TIMEFLIGHT's problems were not the monsters; No Adric: the worst choice Saward and JNT made over Davison's stupid reasoning: he didn't want Adric taking away from himself. It's even worse when Matt's sociopathic Doctor pops out of Rory's stag party cake to announce that Amy tried to kill him---she tried to F him so he's even lying--who does that to a friend at his party and embarrasses him? Bad writing, bad acting; all the regenerations suck after David into Matt; they're all the same with long winded speeches and standing up with lights coming out of them; they need to be fast paced and a moment of drama and action, not some drawn out long death thing. Matt into Peter sucked, Peter into Jodie sucked and Jodie into David again sucked. The new series had problems but NOT from the start; from when Moffat took over to now, it's been a long slide down into the death of DW to be replaced (maybe or cancelled) by something called Doctor Who.


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