DARK SHADOWS-512 -The Trial of Barnabas Collins



“The Trial of Barnabas Collins shall begin.”  


Grayson. Trask laughs. Different reprise. Julia comes in and this time she does not call Willie. Julia’s voice over is different. Trask vanishes. Does Collinwood’s picture have hedges?



Adam comes to Sam. Or…he’s been with him some time. Later, Sam tells Joe, “He stopped by a few days ago. I gave him food and a place to rest.”



Yet when Adam and Sam talk, it feels as if they are old friends and Adam is more…mature and calmer. How long have he and Sam been seeing each other? Is Adam staying here? How many days since we last saw Adam at Sam’s Cottage?



Adam and Sam have been studying words but Adam is repeating words that they haven’t even studied. Light heartedly, Sam wants answers from Adam. “My name is Adam.”  



Sam also wants to introduce creativity to Adam and wants him to paint. He thinks they will make a fortune. He’s kind of kidding. I hope.



Adam feels hurt on his wrists at the same time Barnabas wakes up and feels his wrists hurt. Adam says Barnabas hurt. For a few moments, the camera lingers on both men’s faces, one at a time and together. Blooper?


We see the multi colored Afghan throw blanket again.



Adam rushes out and brushes into returning Joe, knocking him half way across the room as Joe puts it later. Joe asks, “Who…or what is he?”   Sam tells him a few days ago, Adam showed up, Maggie is still away.



Sam has never judged anyone by their looks. Joe thinks that is good because Adams’s face looks like it has been through a meat grinder. Joe says, “I’m no light weight and he knocked me half way across the room just by brushing into me.” 



Joe wonders if that man is an escaped murderer and maybe he was going to Barnabas not to help him but to hurt him. Joe finally puts it together and thinks about the news reports of the man that kidnapped Carolyn Collins! Yes, Joe flubs, calling Carolyn, Carolyn Collins.



He then calls her Carolyn Stoddard. Sam knows it is the same man and tells Joe this. Joe thinks maybe Adam was saying hurt Barnabas instead of Barnabas hurt. Joe goes to the Old House but knocks and when no one answers, leaves. Thanks Joe.


When left alone, we see Sam’s painting on the easel: if it is his or maybe it was Adam being directed by Sam? It looks like a sailboat and something yellow? Bananas? A bird of some kind?


Barnabas is calling for Julia or Willie but it is Trask that appears before him. Trask does not know who summoned him. Barnabas realizes it cannot be Cassandra/Angelique…she would not want him to die this way, nor would she want Trask here. Trask says, “I do not know who it was.”  Barnabas gets his own IDK in.



Trask tells him that he and Barnabas’s other victims have not had rest for 200 years. Barnabas counters the same could be said for Trask’s victims, too. The ones that went to the gallows and who were innocent. Barnabas yells at him, “Hypocrite,” three times. Trask calls a jury of the dead. There is a long pause and lots of dead air. Both men look at the teleprompter, it seems.


Jeremiah is called. Barnabas says Jeremiah has no right here, he died in a gun duel. From their watery graves come Ruby Tate and Maude Browning, neither of the actresses the same as the ones that played the  two women in the 1795 storyline. Suki Forbes is also called and it looks like the same actress. Trask also calls Nathan Forbes who died on MARCH 31, 1796! 1796, which throws the entire theory of mine to the wind.



So it all started in October 1795 and finished in March or very early April 1796!



Barnabas recalls that Nathan was responsible for his mother’s death, Naomi. Ezra Simpson is called as judge. Barnabas calls him a criminal and a traitor.


Trask says, like all those called, he is one of the damned.



Not sure if this info comes from an episode but this is from DS Wikia: “Ezra Simpson was a murderer and traitor who lived during the American Revolution. After becoming a hero in the war, Simpson committed several acts of murder in his hometown of Collinsport, Maine. When Joshua Collins learned of Ezra's acts of murder, he also learned that he had been a traitor during the war. Ezra was sentenced to be hanged.”



Trask says, “The Trial of Barnabas Collins shall begin.”  



A light lights up the jury as the rest of the room darkens. Barnabas pleads not guilty, he was a victim, too and had no control over circumstances. Nathan testifies. Barnabas tells them that he lied under oath before. Nathan tells them that he, Maude, and Suki were strangled, Nathan also says Ruby was strangled, too. Barnabas snaps loudly, “That’s not true!”  It isn’t true. She fell back into the water and …somehow drowned?



Barnabas licks his lips (as Sam did twice already).



Nathan Forbes is seen REAPPEARING. It seems he left and vanished BUT we don’t see that. Then he reappears and starts to walk away as Barnabas yells for him not to go. Forbes, a ghost, of course, walks through the wall.



Barnabas asks if he can defend himself and Trask agrees he can, it is one of the reasons Trask held a trial. Trask…then doesn’t let him defend himself. Barnabas calls him a madman. I agree. Barnabas’ punishment is death. Everyone walks away. New music, piano music. Julia returns to the Old House. Trask laughs.


Julia goes to the cellar and gasps, putting her hand to her face. The brick wall has been bricked up again!


A good episode but more could have been made of the TRIAL. This is NO DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER. Almost none of the victims speak at all. So what was the point? Barnabas was supposed to defend himself  but then was not allowed. He couldn’t call any witnesses for him. It was still a good episode to be honest and oddball enough to keep it interesting.


The entire trial was less than ten minutes long!



Unfortunately, the entire continuity between ep to ep , even and sometimes especially during, the reprises to the next ep, were more than a bit off.


It’s the copyright logo only for the credits and ….it reads 1967.



 This is the last appearance of Zombie Jeremiah, who’s been played by Timothy Gordon since Jeremiah’s death in December 1967. Gordon will appear next as a Minister, in November.

Ruby Tate is played in this episode by Natalie Norwick, who will appear in six more episodes. We’ll see her again next week, as the ghost of Josette. Norwick (also credited as Natalie Norwich) has television credits going all the way back to 1950, which is impressive.

Norwick’s 1950s appearances were mostly on the “Playhouse” shows that were based on the early-TV idea that making television is just like doing a stage play in front of a camera. The most amusing example is Schlitz Playhouse, which was named after its sponsor, the Schlitz Brewing Company, makers of the beer who made Milwaukee famous. She also had parts on The Pepsi-Cola Playhouse and Jane Wyman Presents the Fireside Theatre. In the 1960s, she had guest roles on some very popular shows, including Dragnet, Mike Hammer, Have Gun – Will Travel, Gunsmoke, Perry Mason and Star Trek. In the 1970s, she appeared on Ryan’s Hope and Starsky & Hutch, and she also had a part in a Broadway play called Break a Leg, which closed after one performance.

Maude Browning is played by Maggie Benson, in her only Dark Shadows appearance. Benson was a member of the ensemble in the Broadway production of Hello, Dolly!, which ran from 1964 to 1970. Her other credit is as a Nurse in The Gardener, a 1974 horror movie featuring Warhol superstar Joe Dallesandro.

Suki Forbes is played by her original performer, Jane Draper.

Ezra Simpson, the judge in Trask’s kangaroo court, is played by Tom Gorman, a regular fill-in actor who appeared in 18 episodes between 1967 and 1968. He was also one of the non-speaking judges at Vicki’s witch trial, so it’s kind of funny that Barnabas objects that this character isn’t a real judge. I mean, it’s funny to people who actually pay attention to the fill-in actors. Like me. It’s funny to me. We’ll see Gorman next in October, as the Blue Whale bartender.

Dark Shadows Before I Die: Dark Shadows Episode 512 - 6/12/68 (dsb4idie.blogspot.com)


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