“This is the last time that spooky family of yours is going to make a monkey out of me.”



Big event: Sam tells Aunt Clara and then Darrin that “We’re going to have a baby.”


Darrin, after being returned from being a chimp, seems about ready to throw in towel. He says he loves Sam but this is too much and this is not going to work.


Endora is particularly not very nice here as she jokes about Darrin’s being a chimp and then leaves when he escapes through the window.


When Larry calls about why Darrin is not coming to work, Sam first says, “Well…?”



“Somehow Mother doesn’t strike me as the grandmother type.”  But she is.


“Now, stop your meddling and take that crazy spell off Darrin!”


Endora has someone waiting for her on the Via Venito.


When Darrin asks if she told her Mother yet, she says, “Well?”


Sam tells Endora she’s going to be a grandmother but Endora already heard the rumors (from who?).


Dave appears again as Darrin is at the bar and has made up his mind to stay single. Dave has a cousin Irving who’s had four years of happy marriage but is married to Selma for 17 years. Dave doesn’t listen to Darrin at all. Joe the bartender appears again, too. Endora makes Darrin have the pains of carrying a baby so that he thinks he’s having the baby. He has a day dream of it: that he’s had a baby boy. In the day dream, he claims he and his wife want a large family and now can have twice as many. As father he wants his kid to go into politics but as his mother he is against it (is this due to the JFK assination?)


Endora puts a spell on a man who laughed at Darrin thinking he was going to have a baby and who brags he has five kids and it was a snap, nothing to worry about. He has a back ache and Endora tells him she would not advise going bowling in his condition. Did she just put the same spell on him and it will go away? Or is he going to have a baby?!


Darrin tells Sam that he will make a few of Endora’s teeth disappear if she tries this again. Sam tells him that no jury would convict him. What are they talking about? This would never fly.



Hilarious top notch episode.


 “He’s right here in the list of spellees, right between the New York Mets and Richard Nixon.”


“Adam, you’re BEWITCHED and you only have ten minutes to get UnBEWITCHED.”





Adam is staying a couple of days with Sam and Darrin. He’s not sure why he left the army and come there. He was settled in Salem. Sam might be lying when she says she only knows Salem by reputation.


Endora is in the south of France. One of Adam Newlarkin’s ancestors was a judge in Salem who sentenced a witch named Zorelda to some terrible things that included being dumped three times in a local pond. Tomorrow  Adam, who left the army (Darrin was also in the army; see ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY in season one), will be exactly the same age as the ancestor who sentenced Zorelda. The spell will take total effect at 5pm and more bad things will happen to Adam, mostly he will steal a large sum of money and be branded a common thief.


To counter act the spell totally things must be done in a 12 hour period:


“Must kiss a spotted dog (he’s cute!) on the snout, then the spell will be partly out. Must be dunked in the water one times three, but part of the spell still clings to thee. The spell will be over when like Paul Revere, he rides through the marketplace yelling witches are good, witches are dear.”


In one of the darker moments of the entire series, Sam says to Darrin of the book, “It’s all here written in red and white.” When Darrin asks her about the red part, she says, “It’s thicker than ink.”


Aunt Clara seems to have fallen down the chimney.


When Sam and Darrin explain it all to Adam, he runs up to change into his costume without question. When Darrin asks him if he believes them, he answers, “Of course I believe you, I’m from Salem.”  This actor is very good in this.


It’s never stated that Zorelda died from the “punishment.”


When part of the cure happens we hear a sort of chime sound. Darrin lies that it’s the doorbell.


Adam’s grandmother told him stories of witches but he never really fully believed it until now. Darrin tells him that some of his best friends are witches. Clara posed as Whistler’s mother.




Maurice tells Gladys that Sam’s mother only took 20 minutes to have her baby: Sam. Gladys sees Maurice leave as he magically walks through the wall.


Sam could talk when she was four hours old and could speak in six languages. Sam putting a spell on Louise to make her NOT go upstairs to her baby comes dangerously close to the show solving all problems all the time with magic.


Maurice is particularly cruel to the baby after he finds out he’s not his grandson, “Oh, shut up, I’m the one who has cause to cry,” he says BUT he does feed him.


The implication is that the cat ladies in the Warlock Club in London are…actual cats? Kendrick is the old warlock that seems to be known to Sam (but in season one, Sam and Maurice seem to see each other for the first time in a long time as he doesn’t seem to know her as an adult). Kendrick seems to be the name of the actor, too, who plays the warlock.


Apparently babies can think think think things into levitating. Louise recognizes her baby (they never say the baby’s name) in Maurice’s arms but Larry does not.


Nanny Witch drops by every day for a quick one. She’s loving to human babies, too, but knows if a baby is a witch/warlock or a human right away.


Endora is sincerely a huge help in trying to find Maurice and the baby. She tells Sam to try the Rivera because her father has an appetite for bikinis. Sam goes east, Endora goes west. Hong Kong copy Maurice’s shirts so well.


In yet another darker moment, Darrin worries that Maurice has taken the baby to…where? Hell? It’s not mentioned but implied.


Maurice is particularly nice to Gladys. He calls Darrin prejudice and bigoted against his kind.


The stock of London, ironically, might be the same stock footage used when Maurice Evans guest starred in his Tarzan episodes (with Ron Ely). His episodes are after this one.


Darrin’s stalling of Larry and driving to the house is hilarious. Louise notes it took less time to fly to the US from London than for Darrin to drive them from the airport to home. When Larry first calls, he seems to have to announce he’s Larry Tate as if he and Darrin are not that close. At one point Sam considers telling Larry (and Louise?) the truth.



“I’ll make an agreement with you. I’ll try to remember your name as long as you promise to never call me mom.”


Uncle Arthur is the black sheep of the family. He appears to be Endora’s brother either that or he’s one of the most loving brother in laws ever. We never find out any of the connections of the relations, I think, including, I think again, Aunt Clara, who is mentioned by Darrin when Arthur is supposedly teaching Darrin an incantation to nullify Endora (it’s all a practical joke). Arthur taught Sam how to make her first pony. He’s Sam’s favorite uncle. I love the joy Montgomery shows when Arthur does SOME of his pranks and I also like that Darrin seems to sympathize with Endora at first and then laughs at one or two of Arthur’s jokes. It’s great that they bring Lynde back as Uncle Arthur, he really adds to the show. Endora comes to dinner from Paris and gets Darrin’s name right. She seems on the verge of becoming more civil with Darrin.




“I’m beginning to know how Aunt Clara feels.”

“Do you think I should take over some of my chicken soup?”

“No. There’s a city ordinance against poisoning people.”

“When Mother wants to make herself scarce, nobody can find her.”

“I guess the poor woman’s seen so many strange things that she’s probably…”


“You remember what I said about you seeming normal? Forget it.”


“I bet she has some strange disease.”

“Come to bed.”

“Abner, do you want to wake up with something strange?”

“I’ve been doing that for 20 years, why change now?”


The first where Sam’s magic is on the blink. She also uses “Well?!” again. She’s been using it a lot more since this season started.


We do not always hear incantations and/or spells when the magics do their magic but Sam calls levitating the tray of food a spell that she thinks she did wrong. She’s wrong: she did not do the spell wrong. This is also the first mention of a witch doctor.


I love Sam’s reaction to Gladys saying she knocked on the front door but maybe they did not hear her. Gladys sees Sam’s square green spots on her face start to appear.


Aunt Clara sounds like she’s making up the Square Small Green Spots disease but usually only witches in Peru get it and it lasts a whole year. Sam and Darrin were looking at a Peruvian black rose. “They” used these roses as part of the formula to drive witches out of Peru.


Aunt Clara can whip up a cure with: two bat wings, half a pint of porpoise milk, four eye of Newt and an ostrich feather. The man at the shop that Clara sends Darrin talks on a phone with no wires to someone named Wilbur who he tells not to send him any more brooms because he can’t move them. Young witches would not be caught dead on one, they don’t care about tradition anymore. He does need half a dozen tail of iguana. Instead of a phone, he used to use a crystal ball but decided not to fight progress. He also milked the porpoise himself this morning. He seems to use an abacus to figure out the prices of orders, such as Darrin’s order.


Maudie Prickett, the woman who has the hat on with ostrich feathers (which Darrin tries to buy, and offers 30 dollars for in the police station), has a long list of credits, including with ABBOTT AND COSTELLO. The lady says, “You never give up, do you?” The policeman says, “You’ve got the guts of a lion.”


In this, a hilarious episode, a very funny scene has the cop behind the desk, admit Darrin seems like a normal person and then he asks the contents of the bag Darrin is holding. Dick York is wonderful in EVERY episode but here, he’s just beyond great. I can see why people choose him as their favorite Darrin.


Clara conjures up an ostrich in the bedroom. Gladys notices a door to over the front (?) lawn which came as a result of Sam’s magic on the blink.


When Sam drinks the potion, the music sounds like a chicken clucking.


Clara mentions hair of a dog but then when Darrin asks what she needs that she forgot, he has to go steal four petals from the black Peruvian rose. When Darrin first appears at the place, we hear on the soundtrack someone talking and then saying, “Oh Oh” and/or it’s a bird of some kind cooing.


Clara appears in Darrin’s place in jail and he vanishes at the same time. Darrin, moments before, yells for them to get the flower to his wife, and yells about consequences that he would not be responsible for. Does he fear Sam’s magic might do…things to the rest of the world?


Abner is retired. Though ILLEGAL SEPARATION claimed in season one that they had 30 years of marriage (from Sam’s mouth but maybe others?), here Abner says something about waking up with something strange, meaning Gladys, for 20 years or maybe she became strange after ten years?


Aunt Clara knows how to cure an overactive thyroid: the ear of a kangaroo and the whiskers of a weasel. Clara told Sam she could only get the disease from the black rose once. Sam makes more of them to get Norton on Darrin’s side again after Darrin already tried to steal a rose and actually did steal one.


Darrin slips that Sam has a green nose.



















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