“Abigail and the Countess are convinced that you are a witch and they brought this man here to prove it.”

“Now, why should I run away?”


Natalie is right and wrong. She says someone in this house wanted that duel to take place. Angelique did not, though who knows what SHE really wants. Natalie also says someone wanted Jeremiah to die. There’s no real proof of that, only that Angelique did not want Barnabas to lose or to die. At this point, Nathan seems as if he’s still a “good guy” worrying about Jeremiah, bantering with Natalie and defending Barnabas’ actions. When Trask arrives (a great Jerry Lacey), we see brand new backdrop of a clear, white outside pole holding the front porch overhang up and bushes. It looks great.


Nathan also opposes Trask, who it seems has no appointed church but is self ordained. Nathan even warns Vicki and tries to get her out of the house.


It’s harder and harder to like Vicki in ANY scene she’s in. She is such a stupid moron here, not seeing the danger and hampering Nathan’s efforts to help her. That’s right: SHE, Vicki herself, slows down Nathan’s efforts to save her from the two real threats: Natalie and Abigail. Vicki is, at this point in the series, a real dope.


Vicki says, “I think I can take care of myself, more than adequate.” We know this is NOT true. At all. She’s a victim now and has been for a bit, ever since Barnabas arrived and bumped her out of the number one main character position. She is now written as a total victim and a total moron who knows NOTHING. It’s a sad come down for the character who becomes almost unlikable.


Abigail mentions that Joshua disappeared over a week ago. Then, “days later” she saw the cat in Vicki’s room.




Abigail is right about witchcraft being involved and Barnabas is a jerk not to think there is BUT she is wrong about it being Vicki and when Trask asks him about how he recovered, Barnabas says IDK.


Two days ago Josette ran off with Jeremiah. Vicki was employed two weeks ago.


Barnabas is a moron, too. Here, he takes Abigail’s word for it that his father has given her free reign and even if that were true (it probably is), Barnabas does almost nothing to stop the two horrid women and Trask.


Barnabas’ choking was two weeks ago.


Jerry looks at the teleprompter just before he grabs Vicki.


Natalie gets an IDU when it obvious what Trask is doing to Vicki with Abigail’s help.


And again, “but I…I do not…I do not understand.”


Natalie, later, says, “I fail to understand why it was necessary to abduct the poor girl.” Is she a moron too?


Natalie flubs, “was…is…”


How did Trask get Vicki out of the house past Barnabas?









      Clarice Blackburn. Nathan goes to Natalie; a doctor is upstairs with

      Jeremiah. Rev Trask arrives; Natalie realizing that in this house she

      rather not wait for servants to perform their duties so she answered the

      door. There is no star on Natalie. Nathan goes to Vicki and offers to get

      her out the back way; he's seen fanatics like Trask before and knows how

      dangerous they can be. Vicki tells him she can take care of herself. OH NO

      SHE CAN'T. Stupidly she stays.


      Okay WE HAVE A JERK ANGRY ANTI HERO IN BARNABAS and a stupid girl as our

      lead heroine. Trask needs evidence of sorcery. Abigail mentions the black

      cat. It was not fully black. One of them mentions that TWO WEEKS AGO Vicki

      became Sarah's governess. So twenty episodes or so is about two weeks.

      Barnabas shakes Trask's hand. Despite forbidding it and despising Trask,

      Barnabas just lets him and his two evil handmaidens (Natalie and Abigail)

      go upstairs to interrogate Vicki! What is wrong with him? In any case,

      before they go up, Barnabas tells them that Josette was not under a spell,

      she's just a "fickle and deceitful woman." DOES HE HAVE ANY BRAIN?


      Trask questions Vicki and already accuses her of being a witch and he also

      looks at the teleprompter. He wants to punish satan, not Vicki. She

      doesn't answer any of his direct questions WHICH SHE COULD EASILY but she

      does slap him; he slaps her in return AND ties her up and has Abigail gag

      her. He will prove she is witch and at the same time exorcise the evil

      spirits from her body. He takes her from the house forcibly.


      OKAY, VICKI IS DUMB. I mean why not try to tell them the truth. I mean

      being a time traveler is better than being accused of a witch. First she

      won't leave and now she can't even answer the most simple questions about

      herself and her beliefs and then she doesn't even try to tell them she's a

      time traveler. She even has proof: the book. That might not work but at

      least it would make some sense.


      Later Natalie is afraid for Vicki and is upset that Trask was so violent.

      She is not sure but she seems to believe Vicki is innocent.


      Vicki is tied to a tree where she will stay all night. If by morning, the

      tree is dead, it is proof Vicki is a witch. In his tirade he mentions the

      name of two movies, both named THE QUICK AND THE DEAD (one starring Kenny

      Morrison and Sam Elliot and the other Gene Hackman and Leo Dicaprio). The

      scene on the tree will be reprised with nothing new. In fact, the next ep

      is one of the first reprises we’ve had in a long time.


      AND WOW: Jerry Lacy eats the scenery as Trask. As Trask, he makes him so

      different from Tony so as to make us think he's not even the same actor!

      He's a great villain and in Lacey’s interview someplace in this collection,

      he tells us how Trask, the first one anyway, was not really THAT evil. He

      really believes in what he is doing, he's an idealist rather than a

      criminal. And he's right just picked on the wrong person. He gives a

      strong, over the top performance but nevertheless not as over the top as

      he will get later on. A good ep either way but both Barnabas and Vicki are

      victims and of their own stupidity and idiocy and pride.




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