KINDA part 3


KINDA part 3


Very enjoyable and different. The Doctor and Todd manage to escape during the moments right after the strange “dream time” vision they have. Sanders has the same vision and seems to be crying but he doesn’t escape. Later, Adric, through various attempts manages to escape Hindle’s “play”----while on that, here, there are two older men that seem to be drawn to Adric----make of that what you will----while Aris, infected with the Mara, has left Tegan sleeping on the forest ground. Todd proves to be a worthy companion in every sense of the word, easily fending off insults from the Doctor, noticing his own hypocrisy and gently jibing him about it and smiling at him, getting positive attention from the “wise” Panna who calls the Doctor idiot, and in general contributing a lot to the story and the adventure while remaining calm.


The cliffhanger is one of the most original as the Doctor and Todd come out of yet another future/past vision “dream time” and the Doctor feels the old woman must guide them through the forest; the younger girl seems gone. Todd looks at the old woman who has her eyes open and is still sitting. “Doctor, I think she’s dead!”


Amazing. Odd. Weird. Hindle also sets up the dome with blasting equipment to “fire and acid” the jungle. Huh?


DOCTOR WHO: Behind The Sofa - KINDA - Warped Factor - Words in the Key of Geek.

Older review of parts one to four:






That's more like it. Mind you the Doc lets Tegan fall asleep against a tree and

goes off, leaving her alone and then worries about her oh, almost 19 minutes

later while talking with Todd. The guest cast is suitably well experienced and

the acting is good. Tegan seems to want to go home, only. Adric is the Adric of

season 18 again, thank goodness. He wanders off, makes good scientific guesses,

gets in trouble (Oh and he shuts the door to the machine that starts it, so how

is that any different to the Doctor's opening it in the first place?). The Doc

and Adric ARE very much alike in many ways. And this story makes you think the

two of them alone would be much much MUCH better than having the two girls along

for the ride. The nightmare is perfectly creepy until the boring double act

returns...why have a double of Tegan appear. It's such a cliché. I love the

aliens who are named after and symbolic of Adric, the Doctor and Tegan. Perhaps

the Nyssa and Adric ones are the missing crew people? And the Dukka is the Mara

representing the evil side of the Doctor.


Peter Davison seems almost totally settled into the role and has some really

good Davison-isms ("An apple a day keeps the ahh, never mind"  and "there's no

need to shout"). Adric is a great companion still and has warmth ("it's

beautiful") and wants to be there. He also has some good plans for escape which

the Doctor nixes here.


The mystery of what is going on is kept. People have vanished. There are two

slightly unhinged males at the base and one female who is really quite good as

companions go. And then there's the chimes, the Kinda who wear double helix

models around their necks, the tree, the nightmare plain, and what is going on.

It's all fitting in well with DW as a show again and seems apt to follow the

greatness of everything from FULL CIRCLE TO CASTROVALVA. The regulars at least

act like the regulars again and Tegan is still at odds with Adric even though

he's perfectly happy to be with her or not directly talking to her face. Notice

how she tries to help Nyssa beat Adric at draughts. She still doesn't seem to

like him but he still seems to try with her, despite FOUR TO DOOMSDAY where

she's just more of a moron than he is.


A good ep and even though studio bound, it feels outdoorsy. Well done. And a

good cliffhanger...what will they do?          










 What's odd to notice is that during this time in the show, the producers and

script editor (Saward sucks) and maybe the writers were trying to, maybe,

emulate the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith with the Fifth and Tegan. Trouble

is the situations, the writers and especially the actors, were not up to it. The

actors don't really seem to like each other much less want to interact in THAT

way, thus Davison and Fielding, even when they are saddled only with Turlough,

don't really pull it off....AT ALL. The Fifth to me always seemed to want Tegan

to go until the last moment when she actually does but more on that later.


I love it when Adric's  a part of the action and here he's center and he tries

to save the Doctor yet again but fails again. He steals a key and makes the

Doctor play a game to try to get it, much like his earlier self. The other thing

is that the Third Doctor used to do what Adric basically did, hide a coin or

another object and seemingly make it vanish. Somewhere I read that it happened

in COLONY IN SPACE but I also know he did it in AMBASSADORS OF DEATH. In any

event, the story moves along well disguising the fact that the Doctor's been

imprisoned in the dome for a very long time, giving Adric much to do (and

despite the ignoring from her and her acting like  a biatch, Adric worries about

her when the Doc doesn't seem to but perhaps that's not fair, he does ask about

her too), and keeping Tegan in the nightmare realm...uhm, until she gives in to

the Mara and gets out a good idea. I wouldn't have minded if she

died in this story. The Kinda are sufficiently puzzling and ...uhm, very very good

looking for the most part. The two female Kinda Panna and the girl appear and

give Saunders a strange box that enlightens or changes him. He brings it back to

the unhinged Hindle who makes the Doctor open the box into a great cliffhanger.

Yet we know it didn't really kill Saunders when he opened it. So...we know it

probably won't do anything to them.


Again, another good episode, tension filled in a way. Nyssa doesn't appear at

all. Thank Goodness. :) Davison still seems a   bit flat and his Doctor seems in

over his head ALL the time. No other Doctor was like that except maybe Hartnell

in his early stories and maybe later on too. It's not a bad thing, just very

noticeable. OHHHH and wouldn't Todd make a much better companion than Tegan and

Nyssa. She certainly works well with this Doctor AND with Adric! And she knows











Well that was weird. But good and Tegan is just seen once or so, on the ground,

sleeping. Good. Todd is proving a more interesting companion that Tegan and

Nyssa, yet again. Adric has a lot to do, mostly trying to escape the so called

dome ,but it doesn't look like a dome. I must admit the first time I saw this I

thought Panna's mumbo jumbo was just another of DW's time jumbles but I've since

realized or found out it was a Buddhist thing. Really? I wish it was explained

better here but that's manmade spirituality for you. Anyway Kuruna, Panna, and

Aris as well as almost all the Kinda but the jester or trickster are interesting

and different. I'm glad the Kinda cannot talk, one of the only aliens on DW to

not do so. It makes a nice change and makes them very alien-----ish. The name

Mara is only presented here and the cliffhanger is nice. A lot more tension

arising and Hindle and Saunders both going off the deep end. And both are sort

of...uhm...fond of Adric it would seem. Hindle's put off Adric's punishment from

ep 2 (funny scene in ep2 is Hindle saying punishment to make Adric wash behind

the ears). Again, Matthew Waterhouse makes for a great range of fear,

bemusement, and craftiness. The Doctor  is called an idiot by Panna several

times and he says nothing for the most part only that he's been called that

before. In all, these episodes are not as gripping as a Tom Baker story (with

maybe four or five exceptions) but they do manage to be different, do manage to

create a world, nay a universe of possibilities and do manage to keep one

thinking, and guessing and moving forward. Each story also seems to be different

from each other. I also hoped the Doctor and Adric would travel on for many more

adventures. Not to be.   Their coupling is soon to be ended. I also like how

this Doctor leaves Adric, "He's very resourceful."


Indeed. Famous near last words? Anyway a good story and it must have a cracking

end with the Mara realizing its full power in a terrific show of special

effects? Right?











Strange. There's filler with Adric and Tegan bitching at each other and in the

past, I felt this added to the tension of the story but all it adds is tension

between the two characters and this is exactly what is not needed. They needed

to be nice to each other for us to care about both of them. Adric could have

disarmed the bomb but it makes for nice foreshadowing for EARTHSHOCK as we now

know what will happen but back then we didn't.


Davison, too, while good, is not Tom Baker. I know I keep saying that but after

having watched all of Tom, the comparison is there. Take for example his speech

about discovering it is Tegan that the Mara used to come through. Tom would have

made us feel the discovery in a whispered hush and reveal that he missed that

and didn't know that with just his voice and his tone and his look. Davison just

says the lines. He's pretty poor in that pivotal scene...


He also doesn't have the relationship with Tegan that he should, nor with Adric.

Both, despite being poorly written, are viable adventure characters and his

Doctor should be able to relate to them both but he just doesn't. It could be

because he's relating wonderfully to Todd but she's gone after this ep and it is

as if they have to start all over from scratch with THE VISITATION. Did anyone

on the show at this time have any idea how to have the regulars relate and stay

relating in  a positive manner? Does the bickering add anything to the show? It

really doesn't until maybe VISITATION's opening and from VISITATION onward the

team acts like a team but it's not long before they're broken up, and broken up

and broken up.


Ahh, yes, that snake. It's not too bad when it first comes out of Aris and

wrestles with him but...the larger version. If one can ignore it, the story is

fine and imagination is always key on DW and you have use it here to find the

Mara a creepy idea. There's a lot of the great book THE POWER OF NOW and the

follow up THE NEW EARTH to think about here. Time is the enemy, the present is

all that matters, the enemy is from the inside, it cannot look at itself so if

you observe yourself you can find and rid yourself of the dark thing that is

inside. Lots of good spiritual stuff. But like Tegan, I found myself a bit not

understanding. I also wonder about Kuruna and Panna sharing a body! WTF?


Anyway, a good story and with some good events, Adric making a mess of things

but trying, as he says in the next ep, so hard to do the right thing.  It is his

observation though that makes the Doctor realize the Mara can be casted out with

mirrors. Of course, he's a banana and it is still hiding in Tegan...   





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