DARK SHADOWS 294 and 295


DARK SHADOWS 294 and 295

I’m engrossed in this more than ever before. So much so that I don’t really want to write these reviews any more. Burn out? Maybe? These two episodes take the show to new levels and new plot directions.

In any case Maggie gets a flurry of IDKs in the first episode and there’s also a host of IDU in them, too. Sarah comes off as a nut case again, telling Maggie she’d never leave her and then leaving her to wander into the Blue Whale by herself, though Maggie and Sarah’s scene are charming and warm. In addition, the end of 294 refilmed for the start of 295 (which for the first time has this show presented in COLOR! OH MY!) has one of the most pivotal and iconic events in DS history: Maggie is free and known to be alive by Burke and Vicki while in the Blue Whale for the first time in some three months or longer AND Barnabas, who found out she was alive from Julia few eps ago, is there, wondering if she will expose him. Anyone NOT tuning in after the end of 294 must be nuts, too! It’s that good.


What is that pronunciation of the word "musical" from Barnabas? "Music-Kal." Waaa?

Burke and Barnabas’s rivalry is starting to, as ever, annoy me. Their sniping at each other is childish, petty, and almost…I don’t know, unrealistic. It nearly ruins the jaunt the three of them take to the house by the sea that Vicki wants to live in. BTW, what’s happening to Vicki? Has Josette’s possession left her mentally challenged or disturbed, too? She talks to Burke of a three masted schooner she saw from this house but it was a joke and when Burke brings it up, she takes it seriously. Does she want to impress Barnabas and thinks that this joke about the past will make him cringe? Either way, here is when Vicki starts out irrational and almost dopey and on drugs.


Dave’s an idiot, leaving Julia alone  with Maggie. Julia’s an evil woman. Barnabas’s threat to Julia just as the phone rings is priceless and classic. Her movements to dance away from him are hilarious.


Older reviews:


      Vicki. Maggie wants to go home. Sarah listened hard and found Maggie, who

      hears Sarah mention David. Does Maggie remember David? It's hard to tell.

      Sarah flubs. Maggie rants about going home and then...says she's not even

      sure she wants to go home. Sarah's doll looks different as Maggie holds

      it. Together, they fool nurse Jackson. Maggie hides behind the door. When

      the nurse sees Sarah sitting on the bed, Maggie sneaks out and shuts the

      door and it's locked. Nurse Jackson tries to open the door and shakes the

      entire and I mean THE ENTIRE wall! Sarah vanishes from the room. Sarah is

      singing London Bridge.


      Burke, Vicki and Barnabas are outside in the woods trekking to the New Old

      House by the sea. It looks rundown from outside but it's big. Barnabas

      sees the No Trespassing sign in the dark and Burke comments he must have

      eyes like a cat to have seen it from where he did. Barnabas just excuses

      this as having grown accustomed to living in candlelight. The reverse

      should be true. Barnabas tells Burke his caution about rummaging about the

      house is admirable but he thinks they should anyway. Burke, despite his

      earlier worries, tells them he thinks the house is well built.


      When Burke joins Vicki at the window, in the pane, we see reflected

      another cast or crew member walking about getting ready the set or

      something! Burke flubs. Vicki tells Barnabas she wants to know all about

      the people who lived in this place. Barnabas flubs or the writers do when

      he says, "SOMETIMES, that isn't ALWAYS a good idea." Huh? Is it sometimes

      or always? He makes a deal: he will go the rooms up above and the attic,

      so Vicki will not be in any danger from the unsound structure and if he

      finds anything of "past" value he will bring it down to her.


      Sarah leads Maggie through the woods and Maggie has to sit for a bit.

      Maggie laughs nicely as Sarah talks to her. They also hug.


      One hour at the house and Burke wants not to wait for Vicki's "eager chum"

      Barnabas. He mocks Barnabas's like of the darkness and the shadows and the

      chill. Burke likes the heat. Vicki doesn't want Burke to put heat in this

      house or at least now she’s saying no. Burke jokes that it would be funny

      if they leave Barnabas here. He returns with a lady's hanky he found in an

      isolated room upstairs. It is embroidered with initials FMcAC or something

      like that. IS THAT SOMETHING about Vicki's past? A clue? Or what were they

      going for?


      At the Blue Whale, there are four costumers and Bob, I think it's Bob, the

      bartender. Burke and Barnabas and Vicki come in. Barnabas goes to get

      drinks (later when they sit and drink, he avoids the drinking

      altogether--but haven't we seen him drink with Roger before?). Vicki

      comments she wants the house but not with ghosts. Burke considers it a

      complement that he and Barnabas are different. Barnabas brings the drinks.

      Vicki tells Burke that that is the only house she will be happy in for the

      rest of her life. She's a nut. Maggie walks into the Blue Whale!


      A better ep and one that has a great set in that New Old House by the Sea.

      It is truly the best set up to now...well it is empty but the walls looks

      sturdy and I’m not sure it was specifically made for DS but it looks

      great. Maggie's return is also well done! KLS: I’m not her biggest fan but

      seen in a row like this, it's easy to see how Maggie was made from wise

      cracking waitress, to whining daughter to victim but the thing is, now, in

      these, she's warmer and likable and not that hard to watch. In past

      eps...especially during the Burke-Sam-Roger thing...well, I like her much

      better now in these. She does a good job. And when she faints when she

      sees Barnabas, she's got great legs.



      Vicki. And...WHAT'S THIS (Batman narrator)??? ARE WE IN COLOR? The reprise

      is a different take (another similarity to DOCTOR WHO's early years) on

      what was already seen, different lines, different shots.


      A word about color. Here, it looks great. It's vivid. In the past, many

      shows were in black and white while a few went to color years before. The

      semi excellent THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN with the great George Reeves

      went to color in the 1950s I believe even though the first two seasons

      (and the best despite a few good adventures later) were in black and

      white. GONE WITH THE WIND was in color in the 1930s as was THE WIZARD OF

      OZ. It was just too expensive to have everything in color. LOST IN SPACE

      and VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA didn't go to color until their second

      seasons (shame that!). DS in black and white was...something to behold

      really. Frankly, I love color and was glad to see DS go to color but I

      also like black and white which graced THE OUTER LIMITS, THE TWILIGHT ZONE

      and for horror it was apt. Yet, DS...benefits from color somehow AND from

      black and white.


      Modern dayers, even people in their 30s, refuse to watch anything in black

      and white. We have whole generations who do not know ABBOTT AND COSTELLO,

      BURNS AND ALLEN, THE HONEYMOONERS, or even the first seasons of LOST IN

      SPACE and VOYAGE. They are black and white prejudice. Also the age of some

      of the material bothers them. They are prejudice against anything that is

      old! They prefer the JERSEY SHORE, THE REAL WORLD, etc to the classics.

      Even some 1990s shows are old to them. To them and all the younger people

      who don't want to try older shows: WTF?


      They also don't want to watch anything that does not look good them being

      used to special special effects and not bats on strings or shadow puppet

      monsters or monsters with gaps in their fake monster hand wrists or

      zippers down their back. There is no imagination and anything that takes

      some effort to concentrate on, anything that takes some patience and/or

      time to grow, anything that requires some suspension of disbelief and/or

      major thought...they disregard. In part, some younger people are Disney

      snobs: anything not Disney is not good.


      Tirade over. Thing is: even though DS goes to color this ep, today we

      can't enjoy it because many of the original prints of the eps went missing

      or were gone or destroyed or whatever (shades of DOCTOR WHO'S past). So

      while this ep is in color, there are a few later (a lot IMO) that are once

      more black and white.


      The theme tune plays over a new edition of the waves crashing into the

      rocks or so it seems new. The logo DS comes waving out of the waves and

      then vanishes before settling like the old logo. Sometimes things are so

      bleak (such as the drawing room or the outside shot of the house in the

      credits--is it still black and white?) that it might have well been still

      in black and white. The outfits look great though. Yeah even those lime

      green ones. Julia looks better in color but not that close up.


      During the credits, the narrator of the show (not one of the cast) says,

      "Good news! This program Dark Shadows is now being presented in color!"


      Barnabas is understandably upset and flubs, "I think you ought to take her

      to I...I will go tell her father." He looks for the little girl that

      Maggie says is outside. She's not there.


      At Dave's, Maggie recognizes Woodard, Vicki and Burke...eventually. Burke

      is looking at the teleprompter. Maggie recalls a scent and a room and the

      music from the music box but Vicki, while curious, does not make the



      At Collinwood, Barnabas is in the drawing room where he tells Julia he

      will now kill her and then Maggie or Maggie and then her. He and Julia do

      their walk menace thing again. He follows her around the room as she

      nervously tries to talk him out of killing her and then...the phone rings

      and he lets her get it. Julia tells Dave to clear his office so she can

      come and get in and out without being seen.


      Dave flubs when he says something like "re-cup-eration" or it sounds that

      way. Somewhere I read that in a past ep (one of Julia's first meetings

      with Barnabas), Barnabas refers to Julia (as he talks to Willie) as a "he"

      but I didn't hear that and don't plan to go back and try to find it!

      Maggie remembers she has a house by the water (it is?) and that there is a

      big bay window that her father used to paint near. She remember an old

      house and she is somewhat afraid of Julia. Julia comes in and the bitach

      says, 'Not another word!" so sternly that Dave should suspect something

      and kick her a8s. Julia kicks Woodard out. Maggie remembers what she

      claims is everything: the cemetery, being put in a coffin and being locked

      in the room. She even knows Barnabas Collins is the one who did this to

      her. "He's a creature from the world of the dead. He's not alive." Julia

      asks her to listen to the sound of her voice and uses her pedant. When

      Dave returns, Maggie remembers everything...except what happened to her.


      A good ep and somewhat shocking thanks to the evil that is Julia.




      Julia. Ahh, it's so good to be in color again...DOUGH what the hell




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