“I’m planning a three course meal for it. Batman, Robin and Batgirl. And as a desert Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara.”


Robin is positively bulging at the seams. Batman in the Bat Cave has wet spots on his costume: sweat? Petula is Barbara’s newest library staff member that is shown. Robin puts on his seat belt. Batman starts the Bat Mobile. Robin puts on his seat belt in the stock footage.  Honestly they really should have re-filmed the Batmobile arriving at the Police Building. It’s the same stock again! Mostly Bill music but a bits of Nelson music. Cossack music used in the fight. Robin once more sword fights.


Okay so we know the monster outfit comes from LOST IN SPACE-THE QUESTING BEAST but…when it hatches (and impossibly it’s Batman inside), we hear JILL ST JOHN’S cry from the sound effect reel…from…THE LOST WORLD!!!!!!


BTW it’s very conspicuous that Batman is NOT in the Bat Fight and while it’s great to see Robin and Batgirl fighting without him, Robin does well until Batgirl lets herself be taken hostage by Egghead. Egghead and Olga and Cossacks, after Egghead releases the monster, all run into the “paddy wagon” of O’Hara’s outside.


BTW there’s NO way Batman could have gotten inside that full egg at all, even if Egghead and Olga wouldn’t have seen him, which they so WOULD HAVE. The whole sort of falls apart. In the NEVER seen tag, Gordon believes Batman hatched his own plot as he, O’Hara, Dick and Bruce celebrate Barbara’s birthday at her apartment. While there Skip Parker, Barbara’s friend, calls her about the surf being up.


Joker appears with two henchmen wearing ultra tight t shirts, Riptide and Wipeout, both of whom are exceptionally handsome, too!


This episode is more of a joke than anything else though it has its moments as Batgirl’s theme is heard minus the lyrics and we see her on her cycle riding through the town sets.


BTW the monster is seen as a statue near the egg long before it hatches. Was Robin in on Batman’s scheme? It didn’t appear to be the case? That’s another stupid move by the writers. NONE of this makes ANY sense.


One more thing: thought this is really sort of a two part story NONE of the conventions of the series are present here marking AS a two part story. NONE. No cliffhanger and barely a narration that links the two.


When Robin wonders if Egghead and Olga stole the radium to pollute the Gotham City Water Supply O’Hara reminds everyone that that is a favorite trick among Gotham’s arch criminals!


Love Alfred’s handling talking to Barbara Gordon at the same time as Batman and Robin who are below in the cave while he is in their study with a book all of them need the title of.


Batman stands with arms folded like a bat might sleep. I’m sure Adam’s done this in other eps and maybe even the movie.


Oh and do my eyes deceive me: is Robin showing some belly skin in this episode when being held by the Cossacks?


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