
Showing posts from June, 2024

FANDOM corner to corner 11 and 12

  FANDOM CORNER TO CORNER 11   The Agony Column, of which I believe there were four, was, I just realized, a probably ā€œGETā€ zine of fiction from different fandoms.   THE AGONY COLUMN number 2 is an excellent, well written novel that fills the entire issue. It is 82 pages and from March 1994. Issue Two, it is A SEAQUEST DSV SPECIAL ISSUE. The fic is called MINDSHADOWS by Jan Harley with wonderful illustrations by Sandra Finch and Helen Leithead. Harley must be a professional writer because this is well written and holds together. It feels like a two part episode of the series SEAQUEST. Everyone acts like they should and there is action. The writer of the zine calls it a ā€œHurt-comfort and wallow zine.ā€   David McCallum played a villain called Cobb in an episode of season one. Here, he escapes prison and exacts a revenge on Hitchcock. The get part falls on Krieg, who is the one Cobb captures. And poisons with a drug that will slowly kill him. Thereā€™s some ge...


    LOST IN SPACE SEASON TWO   BLAST OFF INTO SPACE WRITER-PETER PACKER DIR-NATHAN JURAN--which is why the action scenes are very good MUSIC-LEITH STEVENS-(a standout score!)   NARRATION: Last week, as you recall, our space family's lost planet was rocked by a series of savage earthquakes. Little did they dream that in less than twenty desperate hours, a cataclysmic explosion would rip apart their planet's core and disintegrate their entire world into galactic dust.   TEASER Maureen is watering flowers on one of the tables. Inside the ship, through the door we can see John working on the astrogator, which is finally back in place. Penny brings two buckets of water for her. Maureen mentions a pasture which sets Penny thinking, "You know it would be good to see a pasture again. Walking through the grass, looking for four leaf clovers..."   a quake hits and they shake away from the table. John comes running out and gets them both inside the...