
Showing posts from November, 2023

CHARMED seasons 3, 4, and 5

  CHARMED season 3: 3 to the end; season 4; season 5     Okay, ran through these way too fast but I was enjoying them to much to stop. I mean, since the last poor episode, the one with the evil rabbit man, the snake man and the pig man, there hasnā€™t been ONE episode that I thought was poor again. Sometimes there are certain philosophies given that make me cringe here or there but overall this is a fantastic show with few if any bad episodes, especially the huge batch here. I DID see one mike in one episode and possibly a camera somewhere and there is one episode where Piper seems to say Sam is half white lighter but she shouldnā€™t really know that, I think. Sam actually died and went with their mom to the afterlife, got returned as a white lighter and screwed up again, all unknown to Piper. For his punishment he was turned half white lighter (which makes no sense in and of itself).         47     3     ...


  Some net article recommended these as the best original series STAR TREKs; here is my take:   A PIECE OF THE ACTION: Funny, humorous if not riotously laugh out loud dialog, wonderful performances, itā€™s a little to wink, wink for me and certainly not as good as some of the better LOST IN SPACE episodes so best episode? No.   DAY OF THE DOVE: maybe good but best? No. Fun? Sort of. Havenā€™t seen it in years so maybe a rewatch is due but do I have to?   WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE: really? Sure, this was one of the first episodes after THE CAGE and others (not sure what was first but this was after THE CAGE, which was routine and not that great itself). This is a sort of throwback tale of a super man who wants to take over the universe with his mind powers. Not great and certainly the first five LOST IN SPACE episodes and the unaired pilots are superior. So, no.   THIS SIDE OF PARADISE: okay, some great scenes and a good premise: itā€™s really just t...