
Showing posts from June, 2023


  DOCTOR WHO-WARRIORS' GATE part 2 DOCTOR: Oh, hello. You seem to have attracted a big audience. I still love this, don't get me wrong. It's just that the editing and intention seem a track here and I never noticed before, checking out Adric as I used to, enjoying having someone I could relate to and someone who was being useful here. Romana's plan to go out and give herself up to the men seems...ill advised. I wonder if as in Hartnell times, she and Adric could communicate to those outside and those outside could talk with those inside TARDIS? She spends most of her time here being clever and then not so much as she's stuck in a metal chair. Similarly, while the Doctor does get more to do, K9 does not really. The scenes with the Gundans are all wrong. They sort of play like the Tom Doctor's first scene with the ROBOT in, uhm, ROBOT and are just as clunky and he might have uttered something similar to what he utters here, "I usually get on...


  GOTHAM KNIGHTS-13-NIGHT OF OWLS   Well, again, the CW cancelled the wrong series. This should NOT be cancelled.   Then again, neither should STARGIRL (it became watchable in season two, good in season three, and excellent in season four); NAOMI (though sagging toward the end, this had promise and a great premise and cast); TOM SWIFT (the times this aired were terrible but this show was excellent and if properly promoted, this, too, would have taken off and if given time; another excellent cast); and possibly BLACK LIGHTNING (though I would rather have seen a spinoff with Joran Calloway as Khilil Payne/Painkiller). Iā€™m sure I missed a few that should never have been cancelled. There are a few that should have been canned right away (DC LEGENDS once it became too stupid for words and too dumb to watch). SUPERMAN AND LOIS has two incredible seasons and then it had the third (though the last two episodes of season three were okay, the cancer storyline and the bratif...


  WBā€™S TARZAN-1-PILOT   ā€œHe saved your life, itā€™s like, so romantic.ā€ ā€œNo, honey, itā€™s not romantic, itā€™s a case.ā€   Thereā€™s something fast paced and alluring about this opening. After some six years off our screens (at least on TV and probably the movies, too), Tarzan returns. Heā€™s strapped to a table in a lab and heā€™s wearing pants. Heā€™s shirtless, of course. He escapes the operating table as heā€™s about to be injected or experimented upon or both.   Itā€™s a fast paced scene, dark, and Tarzan is barely in light. Heā€™s a force of nature, breaking through glass windows and downing men, sometimes at the same time, taking out the techs and the military type guards, throwing another through a window (but not toward the outside), climbing up the outside of a large high rise building and taking on more men up there. Heā€™s filmed without us getting a clear look at his face until the final shot of the sequence where he hears more armed men coming and then vanishe...