
Showing posts from December, 2022

SLIDERS episode one: PILOT

  SLIDERS episode one: PILOT   I wonā€™t go on and on about how great SLIDERS is. As a premise it is unbeatable and as the main four characters are intensely likeable (though somewhere on the net someone clearly hates Wade Wells but I donā€™t know why) or how exciting it was then and now and how itā€™s lost nothing but gained more emotionality since 9/11 even though it was far before that. As Quinn realizes his love for Wade when it seems sheā€™s deadā€¦itā€™s a touching scene and that their search for home seems over but isnā€™t is also touching.   I used to think this first episode with Russia having won the Cold War and the US having lost the Korean War, thus a present where Russia rules Americaā€¦was boring but itā€™s not. It wasnā€™t then and isnā€™t now. Thereā€™s also a visit to an ice age Earth and of course, the start to the whole thing and another Quinn. Everyone is quickly established here.   The pilot also makes use of others in the world of this foursome and I wish ...

SPACE: 1999-THE BRINGERS OF WONDER parts one and two

 SPACE: 1999-THE BRINGERS OF WONDER parts one and two Watched both eps of THE BRINGERS OF WONDER of SPACE: 1999 and you know what, though I know it almost line for line, it was still entertaining as ever, moved along nicely, and did what was said to be done for year two: made everyone warmer, nicer, friendlier, and happier and it all works. Sure, there are one or two cringe moments and flaws I'm sure but overall, it was a lively excursion into year two with some of the strangest monsters, a good guest cast, something for Alan to do and a good part for just about everyone. I love it and always will! From Koenig's slap happy crash landing to the end where Maya playfully picks up Tony to John's falling asleep, this was a joyful, fun and exciting episode. Not sure I like Tony's immediate response being, "KILL THEM!" though. I mean just because they look repulsive? I guess it's like an instinctive reaction, maybe some race memory like seeing a snake or spider. ...


  GAMEBOYS 2   Previously on Gameboys: Leo Balante of Rank Magazine wrote, "In Gameboys, there are neither high-octane action, knee-slapping comedy, nor teleserye drama. Neither does it have fancy camera work, visual effects, nor A-listers as leads. All the viewers saw are two young men, in and out of video calls, portraying various levels of onscreen chase, before leading to a denouement that brought viewers to feel, think, and believe in a new order that is beautiful and possible."   Which wraps up season one brilliantly. Says it better than I. For some really unfathomable reason, they released GAMEBOYS THE MOVIE first (2021) I believe. This is a cut version of the second season and with an ending that makes one never want to watch GAMEBOYS again. All I can say is if you are   a die hard fan, get it but watch season two first as the ending is better, the added scenes are better (though theyā€™re not added; the movie is a recut and edited version of the second...


  Wolf Larsonā€™s TARZAN-69-THE DANGEROUS COMPETITION   Thereā€™s actually dialog before the Dan journal narration. Tarzan is feeding a cute baby elephant. He seems to call the elephant Bala.   Danā€™s journal: Friday the 25: 1993 has June; 1994 has Feb, Nov, and March; 1997 has April and July; 1998 has Sept and Dec.   An intriguing start as Dan narrates, ā€œToday we learned just how far Tarzan would go to protect the animals in his jungle.ā€     Tarzan detects trouble and tells Bala to stay there. He runs past a giraffe and some other animals, the others running, to find an elephant in a trap by a hunter and his helper. NOTE: Wolfā€™s hair seems to change from scene to scene in this sequence. First it looks thin and straight, then fluffy and almost rock star-ish and then longer and straight again as he loads an arrow into his bow.   Also note: itā€™s very annoying having the action having the credits over them. Itā€™s distracting from the action,...