SLIDERS episode one: PILOT
SLIDERS episode one: PILOT I won’t go on and on about how great SLIDERS is. As a premise it is unbeatable and as the main four characters are intensely likeable (though somewhere on the net someone clearly hates Wade Wells but I don’t know why) or how exciting it was then and now and how it’s lost nothing but gained more emotionality since 9/11 even though it was far before that. As Quinn realizes his love for Wade when it seems she’s dead…it’s a touching scene and that their search for home seems over but isn’t is also touching. I used to think this first episode with Russia having won the Cold War and the US having lost the Korean War, thus a present where Russia rules America…was boring but it’s not. It wasn’t then and isn’t now. There’s also a visit to an ice age Earth and of course, the start to the whole thing and another Quinn. Everyone is quickly established here. The pilot also makes use of others in the world of this foursome and I wish ...