
Showing posts from September, 2022


 DARK SHADOWS 428       Nancy B (gosh sheā€™s good in this episode and creepy and sympathetic all at once). Peter goes to Collinwood and encounters a crazy Millicent. She       tells him that Ben is at Eagle Hill cemetery digging Josette's grave and       that Peter has a kind face. She mentions she wants him to give Barnabas a       message if he sees him but Peter tells her that Barnabas is dead. Why       would he tell that? Millicent laughs at him and later at the portrait has       a voice over. Nathan forces his way in and tells her he sincerely loves       her. She tells him as a child she had a series of illnesses that left her       little time to learn about men and the ways of life. "I love you as you       are," he also claims. He al...


  WOLF LARSONā€™S TARZAN-57-THE STONE MAN ā€œTarzan understands. Tarzan wants to help.ā€   ā€œSome things in the jungle are best kept secret. Tarzan taught me that.ā€   Danā€™s journal: Saturday the 2 nd . 1993 has Jan and October. 1994 has April and July. 1997 has August. 1998 has May. There are still things in the jungle untouched by the hand of civilization.   Using a kind of kiln, Jane makes Kiwi pie. When Roger asks how she learned to make something like that, she explains books. Ancient Mesopotamia, 4500 BC. Her library is always open. Cheetah stills what looks like banana slices but what is their pie (?) and starts to eat it. Watching them all was a native hidden in bushes. He is about to fire a dart at Cheetah but Numa scares him off.   NOTE: one thing this series does not excel at that the Ely series did is depicting native tribes in Africa or any kind of African civilization or society. Itā€™s sort of disheartening and makes this series eventuall...