LEGACIES seasons one to four

LEGACIES Wow! Season four of this series is awesome, the best thing on TV right now. A spinoff that came from THE ORIGINALS which itself was a spin off of THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, this surpasses both of them. All three have their built in flaws and delights but LEGACIES, about the school for witches, werewolves, and vampires is NOW consistently good. It, almost unlike both previous series, has been surprising in its twists and turns and been consistently changing for the better. VAMPIRE was stuck on the Elena thing for a long time and reveled far too long on its villains and how the evil affected every member of the cast of characters that were good. Fine enough, the series had more good than bad episodes for a short time in its first year it felt like a new DARK SHADOWS, only edgy and with a lot less unintentional camp factors. A fair share of great episodes. THE ORIGINALS started out strong with the set of villains from VAMPIRE but in lat...