
Showing posts from February, 2021

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DARK SHADOWS 144   I freakin love it! Vicki gets a IDU right after an IDK. She also gets another IDK later on. Laura, when questioned by Riley, state inspector, gets an IDK but has a great cover story. I like Riley but I do not think much of his question techniqueā€¦for one thing why doesnā€™t he ask Laura WHERE she first met Margaret the fake cleaning lady in Lauraā€™s lieā€¦IF it is a lie. For at this point, Laura might be covering for a different reason or not at all. We STILL are not made privy to whether or not sheā€™s lying (well, almost, we DO know she is lying but not why)ā€¦so okay, she IS lying. BUT is there a supernatural reason underneath the lie? Vicki, our resident NANCY DREW during this time is starting to suspect something foul is afoot.   Frank is at Collinwood when Vicki gets back from her own questioning of Laura and has a talk about Mrs. Collins with Liz at her desk and within ear shot. THAT BRILLIANT ā€œniceā€ music is played, which Iā€™m not sure weā€™ve heard befor...


  BATMAN-98-THE SPORT OF PENGUINS   Whatā€™s this? A two parter? With a team up of two villains? A male and a female? Unusually, the cliffhanger isnā€™t a cliffhanger at all and thereā€™s no bat trap device endangering the dynamic duo who are freed from the glue Penguin put in the BatMobile on the seats and he even put glue on the wheels (by Alfred). I think itā€™s interesting that Alfred called Barbara to alert her to the goings on at the glue factory. If she were smart, sheā€™d figure out Wayne and Grayson are BATMAN and Robin or maybe she has. The cliffhanger just recounts that maybe Penguin will succeed in his plans, which is refreshing.   The Bat Fight is odd this time out. Robin starts off well but first get thrown in the air by a group of villains and keeps yelling out, ā€œBatman!ā€ Then when rescued by Batman, he gets knocked down onto the floor. Batman isnā€™t faring much better and needs Batgirl to wrap up the goons in sticky tape after lassoing the Penguin, who then g...


  CREATURE FROM THE PIT parts 3 and 4   All of fandom might get enraged by this but I freakin love this story. I donā€™t think thereā€™s one dull line of dialog in the entire thing. I love Tom and I love his command of the situation and while the writers of ABOUT TIME might think that its too much and ruins the threat, I donā€™t. Adrasta is very much in charge until maybe the very end of episode 3, the scavengers kill lots of people (and mostly guards but in gruesome fashion, one scene where a guard is set upon with knives and spears is clearly cut, another takes place off screen and the worst scavenger who does all the killing gets away with it by episodeā€™s end with only their comical leader Torvin who gets six inches of Karelaā€™s steel in his back, the poor man). Karelaā€™s a horrid human being if she is human. One of the worst people in DOCTOR WHO set on greed, money, power and murder, all she wants to do is kill.   Tom and Lallaā€™s double act is incomparable, especially...