DARK SHADOWS 144 I freakin love it! Vicki gets a IDU right after an IDK. She also gets another IDK later on. Laura, when questioned by Riley, state inspector, gets an IDK but has a great cover story. I like Riley but I do not think much of his question technique…for one thing why doesn’t he ask Laura WHERE she first met Margaret the fake cleaning lady in Laura’s lie…IF it is a lie. For at this point, Laura might be covering for a different reason or not at all. We STILL are not made privy to whether or not she’s lying (well, almost, we DO know she is lying but not why)…so okay, she IS lying. BUT is there a supernatural reason underneath the lie? Vicki, our resident NANCY DREW during this time is starting to suspect something foul is afoot. Frank is at Collinwood when Vicki gets back from her own questioning of Laura and has a talk about Mrs. Collins with Liz at her desk and within ear shot. THAT BRILLIANT “nice” music is played, which I’m not sure we’ve heard befor...