
Showing posts from September, 2024


  BIG FINISH’S DARK SHADOWS-BLOODLUST EPISODE 5 SPOILERS   Narration by: Possibly Scott Haran (Harry) : I don’t know. He’s young-ish with a deep voice and British accent, I think.   Amy confronts Andrew and allows Harry and Tommy to stay for it. She asks why they came to this town. Andrew admits most of it but blames Amy. He did think she was that stupid.   Ed wants to tell his mother Jessica something about the night Melody died but Mel’s husband Mike is there but soon leaves.   Andrew find Amy’s diaries and knows about her past. Andrew asks about Simon Turner and her brothers and what happened to them.   Looking up Simon Turner on:   Big Finish Audio Dramas, Characters A-Z | The Dark Shadows Wiki | Fandom   Simon Turner is from the audio THE HAPPPIER DEAD. The reference Andrew makes about Egypt could be from the BIG FINISH history where Amy supposedly left Collinsport after Chris died (Sam Hall’s TV Guide article and/or Big Finish continuity) and she l


  THE AVENGERS-THE FEAR MERCHANTS and ESCAPE IN TIME   Wow. It’s not just the vivid color that makes every green of the countryside and every gray on Steed’s suit pop out…everything feels superior in this season. I don’t know why but the DVDs don’t start out with FROM VENUS WITH LOVE and never mind, these are two superior episodes of THE AVENGERS. The show feels as if it was always meant to be in color and everything looks fantastic.   Not only that there are new opening teasers with “MRS. PEEL, WE’RE NEEDED” and THAT music and ESCAPE IN TIME has the music in full at the tag scene where Emma and Steed (near THE castle or not?) try to start one of his antique cars. The cars are brilliant, the casts are wonderful, the villains delightfully balanced between bizarre and completely scary, and the action is taken up a step to really look and feel tense and fast paced. It all works and works so much better than ANYTHING in season four.   I do not really want to list them all but t