Bryan Cranston IS Kolchak the Night Stalker? If a return happened?

Someone on a Kolchak group mentioned a return and Bryan Cranston as Carl. Unless it was done with a 1970s setting, maybe 1976 or 77 I doubt it would have ANY appeal. There are so many supernatural shows now with continuing characters that have plumbed the depths of monsters of every kind (LEGACIES, VAMPIRE DIARIES, SUPERNATURAL, SUPERSTITION, THE ORDER, LOCKE AND KEY, LOCKWOOD, BUFFY, ANGEL, HAVEN, FRIDAY THE 13TH THE SERIES--actually the second supernatural show that had continuing characters even before X FILES and under rated, CHARMED, REAPER, THE OTHERS, HAUNTED, X FILES, MILLENNIUM, PARANORMAL WITNESS, OCTOBER FACTION, WEREWOLF, TEEN WOLF, WOLF PACK, POINT PLEASANT, THE OMEN and EXORCIST tv shows, FREAKYLINKS (which should have worked and was more like NIGHT STALKER than NIGHT STALKER!), YOUNG DRACULA, ASTRID AND LILLY SAVE THE WORLD, GHOST WARS, OMEGA FACTOR, HEX, STRANGE ( a GREAT seven ep show), MERLIN, SEA OF SOULS (another great creepy show!), a ton of witch shows,...