
Showing posts from May, 2024


  DOCTOR WHO-DOT AND BUBBLE   Okay, I can almost overlook and accept that there are a few things that do not make sense in this episode becauseā€¦itā€™s a rather tense, better episode than the four previous POS. For the first time in a long time, the show stunned me and shocked me. I almost expected those slug things to be Fendahl but never mind that. First, the stuff that doesnā€™t make sense: why did RTD, after setting up a good alien invasion and a sort of world built or world building (we really donā€™t get a lot of answers as to what the background to this is---were the young ones sent away because they annoyed the parents? What ā€œjobsā€ are they doing, data collection?), RTD makes it so that the tech is the bad thing that evolved and became sentient. Sigh. Yawn. God awful. At least that part.   BUT if the dots could kill everyone and THAT was the goal, instead of giving these things food to eat, the dots could have easily killed everyone right away instead of having b...


  DARK SHADOWS  508 Lara. Different reprise. This time as Stokes talks, Julia accidentally interrupts him. He talks over her. Julia tells him if his own life is at stake, he must not do this: enter the dream to confront the witch. He counters that Barnabas Collins will die if he does not.     Stokes has had a hair cut. When he begins the dream, he asks who is there and will not open the door until the person answers. It is Sam Evans, thick glasses on to protect his eyes.     Angelique laughs somewhere. He wonders how they are linked. Stokes leads Sam in the dream, Sam protesting that if he leads, he will die. Stokes recites the riddle before Sam can. Sam, as if a construct of Angeliqueā€™s says, ā€œNo.ā€     Stokes does. ā€œThrough sight and sound and faceless terror, through endless corridors by trial and error, ahead a blazing light does burn (the sub titles say, a head of blazing light does burn) and one door leads to the point of ...


  FANDOMS CORNER TO CORNER 9 and 10   SEVENCYCLOPAEDIA is a zine from (no year given so fuck it). It is everything in BLAKEā€™S SEVEN in an encyclopedia format. Now, I know there are such things on line but this is spectacular. Thereā€™s also a ton of advertised zines on the last two pages of the book and one that sounds generic is THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN where we find out what happens when Paul Darrow goes onto the Liberator while Avon comes to Earth. This idea has been around since Star Trek had a fandom and they have the fic to prove it. Not much to say about this. It is a staggering 150 pages.   The next zine is a SEAQUEST fic called NEW ATLANTIS. It is from 1996 and by Jane Woods.   TRENCHCOAT are cleverly plotted out continuation stories of DOCTOR WHO set up in virtual seasons and all written out fully. They are hundreds of pages of fiction with set ā€œcastsā€ and terrific artwork at a time when DOCTOR WHO seemed as if it would NEVER return to our scree...