FOLLOW THE LEADER WRITER-BARNEY SLATER DIR-DON RICHARDSON NARRATION: Last week, as you recall, we left Professor Robinson and Dr. Smith searching for a lost laser pistol, unaware that the Professor would, within moments, be plunged into an incredible encounter with a deadly, alien spirit. TEASER-not fully recapped John and Dr. Smith move into a cave and look over a ridge. The pistol is on the floor. Smith tells John, who wants to send him down there for two buttons and an old shoestring, "You know my phobia about heights." Will told John what happened: a sound was heard, a small lizard appeared, Smith screamed, dropped the pistol, and ran out. Smith tells John his facts are awry: the lizard was huge, the reptile flung it from his grasp, and he made a calm, orderly retreat. John says, "Knowing your unquestioned bravery in the past, I can believe that!" Sarcasm, huh? John climbs down the rope which he places around a rock. Smith te...