
Showing posts from December, 2023


  DOCTOR WHO-KNOCK, KNOCK ā€œStop it. Thereā€™s no living puddles, or weird robots, big fish. Itā€™s just a new house. And people you donā€™t know. Not scary at all.ā€     DOCTOR: Harry, too. Um, in brief, he's her dad. He's been keeping her alive with the bugs for about seventy years. Your friends are the food. I said that I couldā€¦ help. Now, you must be Eliza. How are you feeling? Rotten?     Iā€™m loving DW again, at least this part of the season. Itā€™s scary here, disturbing and makes me want the characters to live. Itā€™s almost traditional WHO without being boring and with twists that are modern and cool. When DW is good, thereā€™s nothing better.   Harryā€™s grand dad went to the Great Wall of China with his boyfriend and got arrested for trying to steal a part of the wall. Thatā€™s stupid. Whatā€™s stupider is that they cut out that Harry was supposed to have Harry Sullivan as his grand dad. Now, that would be fine but that Harry never came off as gay m...