
Showing posts from August, 2023


  477 ā€œDavidā€™s very unpredictable.ā€   ā€œI always keep late hours.ā€   ā€œI think theyā€™re fairly reasonable peopleā€¦including your husband.ā€   ā€œBeware of dreams, Barnabas. Of yours and of those of everyone about you because that is the way the curse will return to you again. It will be a dream curse. First, one person will have the dream and that person will remain terrified by the experience until they tell the dream to a second person. Only this time, the dream will go a step further and be even more terrifying and that person will not rest until he has told the dream to a third person and that person will have the dream and he will tell it to a fourth and on and on it will go and each time the horror of it will increase and the terror will mount and the fear will be more unbearableā€¦until finally, someone tells it to you, Barnabas. And then you will have the dream. Step by step you will go until the very end. And the dark and terrifying thing you will find ...


  TIME BOMB               Writer-William Reed Woodfield, Allan Balter Dir-Sobey Martin Music-Leith Stevens   Teaser A German man and a Russian woman called Litchka watch Chinese Li Tung demonstrate a new method of blowing something up. Distilled water combined with unstable cesium and injected into a body will make that body become a living bomb. He shows how this is done on a model of a body. In the circulatory system, it remains harmless until triggered by proximity to a nuclear reactor--it will then explode with 50 times more power than an atomic bomb. The model, introduced to a small nuclear cube, explodes. Their plan: cause an American to trigger a war between Russia and the United States from which they will emerge the rulers of the world.   Act One Seaview is on an official visit to San Cristobal but this is canceled. Nelson and a crewman enter Flying Sub. Nelson goes through the Fly...