
Showing posts from November, 2022


 DARK SHADOWS 447 Nancy B. A note about the narrations: sometimes they mention Victoria Winters by name, sometimes they use the word girl and sometimes they use the word woman. The reprise is different and there is a zoom in on Joshua as he realizes the gun did no good. Joshua says, ā€œIDU.ā€ Barnabas tells him he is dead but not dead, ā€œI am already dead.ā€   Joshua cannot release him on the world again. His son tells him that Angelique is the reason behind it all: the deaths of Jeremiah, Sarah, me, Josette are all her doing. If he told anyone, she threatened to destroy the entire family (which may not be strictly true as she never directly threatened Naomi, I believe). Joshua finally says, ā€œMiss Winters is innocent.ā€    He will see to it that she is freed---but he takes a long time to do it if he ever does. Joshua gets an IDK. Joshua tells him he will send for Rev. Trask but Barnabas tells him he is deadā€¦now, wait a sec. That was maybe five episodes ago and a great de...


  DOCTOR WHO-SMITH AND JONES, THE SHAKESPEARE CODE, and GRIDLOCK   Three of the very best stories of the entire canon and beyond canon. Letā€™s say you didnā€™t like THE RUNAWAY BRIDE much (I sure didnā€™t the first time around), you just had to wait till the first episode of this season (three) and you get, well, no BS. A strong companion with a strong family background, all introduced. A hospital moved to the Moon. Rhino men police who arenā€™t too smart and use extreme and swift justice (I loathe the Judoon for killing in their justification mode). Martha is probably the best new series companion and under rated and SMITH AND JONES is probably one of the most under rated stories, Iā€™ve done it myself, at least with SMITH AND JONES. Always loved Martha.   SMITH AND JONES is very enjoyable. The Doctorā€™s acting like a show off which he admits in GRIDLOCK and heā€™s also not very nice to Marthaā€™s co worker, who at least, later on, is shown caring for a patient while Martha ch...