WOLF LARSON’S TARZAN-31-LION GIRL Jack’s journal: Sunday the 23 rd : 1992 has Feb and August; 1993 has May; 1997 has Feb, Nov, and March. Roger tempts Cheetah with a banana because he thinks Cheetah has taken his book THE LOST CITY OF JABAH and put it high up in a tree. He wants Cheetah to bring it down. “You know chimp stakes are a delicacy in some countries.” Roger climbs the tree and finds more of his stuff in the nest: a knife, his ray ban sunglasses, a baseball glove and hat, deodorant, and sneakers to mention just some. He drops the knife on himself and falls out of the tree, lands safely somehow and chases Cheetah. This is how he finds a jungle girl in a net and when he does, despite being upset with Cheetah warns him to stay back or stay “there.” When he frees her, she knocks him down and seems to try to bite him. She does scratch his face. She seems to go into a trance but is broken from it when Tarzan’s yell pierces the jungle. Tarzan, head...