
Showing posts from January, 2022


  DARK SHADOWS 340 ā€œI tried to keep Barnabas under control. I wasnā€™t always successful.ā€   ā€œā€¦heā€™s out there, somewhere in the dark and heā€™ll find you and heā€™ll kill you.ā€   Differentā€¦.slightly different reprise. And new material and dialog after it, too. THEN, the credits. Julia head tilt as Barnabas wants to eliminate Dr. Woodard. Frid flubs over sentimentalityā€¦and corrects himself. Camera or mike shadow shaking. Barnabas has done some horrible things before this episode but this is him at his most unlikable and horrid. Here, he taunts Julia into helping him by telling her that Woodard will die a slow horrible death, enduring agony, begging for death. Instead of turning on Barnabas, faking it, and going to the authorities, Julia tells him about a way to inject Dave with a drug that will make him die a painless death that will make it look like a heart attack. The two of them are first class monsters, evil doers and villains. Nothing more at least here.  ...


  DOCTOR WHO-TIME-FLIGHT part 4   DOCTOR: My dear Captain, you really are the most remarkable man to pilot the Tardis, and with such precision. Perhaps you could take us to the other side of that wall. STAPLEY: What? BILTON: Er DOCTOR: You have control, as they say.   The Doctorā€™s pimple under his chin vanishes after the reprise. Stapley puts his hand in his jacket. The Prof is in the Xeraphin so he pilots the TARDIS? In any case, I found I enjoyed this episode and this story more now that I learned to relax and get over Adricā€™s death (I havenā€™t; heā€™s just still alive in canon in FASA soā€¦). J   I also found I was even enjoying Nyssa and especially Tegan. When the Doctor seemed about to give up, she snaps him back to it. She also runs after him and collides with him after he turns around. Honestly, though Davison may not like it and may think Nyssa serves his Doctor best, Tegan really is the one for this Doctor, keeping him on his toes and keeping hi...


  DOCTOR WHO-TIME FLIGHT part 3 HAYTER: Focus your mind on something you're very sure of. Your family, fish and chips. Concentrate on that one thought to keep the dream images out. All right? Now come on, everybody, we haven't got much time.   DOCTOR: The Master's Tardis. HAYTER: That pillar? DOCTOR: Of course. That's where he's hidden the other passengers. HAYTER: But it's not big enough. DOCTOR: Something else for me to explain later. HAYTER: This revolutionises the whole concept of relative dimension. Oh Doctor, if only I were a younger man and had the time to make use of your knowledge. DOCTOR: The time. Yes, that's another thing. HAYTER: Huh?   Huh, indeed. Something you are very sure ofā€¦fish and chips? Explain later? Thatā€™s another thing? What is with the dialog in this episode? Well, why single this one out.   Angela walks into the Masterā€™s TARDIS and despite TARDIS wikia more than implying she is with the freed passeng...


  Wolf Larsonā€™s TARZAN-15-KILLERā€™S REVENGE ā€œI live for days like this.ā€ ā€œRoger is lucky that he lives at all.ā€ ā€œMmmā€”uh.ā€   ā€œMen who kill animals are cowards.ā€   ā€œAye, big monkey, if you come out, the woman is free.ā€       Simonā€™s journal is Tuesday the 15 th . In 1992 this could be September or December. As this is production 124, it has to be 1992 or very maybe 1993. If it is 1993 it must be June and June only. I wonder if these dates given are just random. The production number is 124, which is probably meaning that this is the second to last episode in production for season one.   Roger is taking shots of Jane and asking her if sheā€™d like to be a National Geographics Centerfold, a new concept. A falling boulder almost hits Roger but Tarzan throws another rock at it to divert it away from the boy and he is only hurt in stumbling. Later, in the treehouse, Tarzan puts something that Roger thinks smells like fermented gym socks...