DARK SHADOWS 340 “I tried to keep Barnabas under control. I wasn’t always successful.” “…he’s out there, somewhere in the dark and he’ll find you and he’ll kill you.” Different….slightly different reprise. And new material and dialog after it, too. THEN, the credits. Julia head tilt as Barnabas wants to eliminate Dr. Woodard. Frid flubs over sentimentality…and corrects himself. Camera or mike shadow shaking. Barnabas has done some horrible things before this episode but this is him at his most unlikable and horrid. Here, he taunts Julia into helping him by telling her that Woodard will die a slow horrible death, enduring agony, begging for death. Instead of turning on Barnabas, faking it, and going to the authorities, Julia tells him about a way to inject Dave with a drug that will make him die a painless death that will make it look like a heart attack. The two of them are first class monsters, evil doers and villains. Nothing more at least here. ...