
Showing posts from December, 2020


  SABRINA part 4: ep 2: chapter 30: THE UNINVITED   ā€œMore importantly have you seen him shirtless? Heā€™ll give me great looking grandchildren.ā€   Well thatā€™s more like it. The start and the whole aspect of the Unvited Eldridge terror being reminds me, oddly of the more human serial killers from the 1990s MILLENNIUM TV series. At first, silent, and brooding, he kills with reason and horror, ripping out the hearts of anyone who rejects his smelly presence. And I mean who would let that into their house? Maybe feed him but let him sit on my furniture?   A great villain, a side problem the incubus in Dr. Cerebrusā€”and it gets out and goes into Theo but that subplot goes nowhere---and the wedding of Hilda. Did I miss an episode? How is Sabrina, last episode arch enemies with Caliban, now ready to marry him? He takes his clay balls off himself---why did it seem so awful to him before and can he return them, will he have as Lucifer wants, great children and give L...

BLACK MOON, PRIVILEGE, LET'S SCARE JESSICA TO DEATH, THE LEFTOVERS: Three movies and one TV show that will make you high without drugs just by watching them

  BLACK MOON and PRIVILEGE are two of the strangest movies. MOVIES AND TV SHOWS THAT WILL MAKE YOU HIGH WITHOUT DRUGS: There are some movies, like BLACK MOON and PRIVILEGED, as well as some TV shows, such as JOHN FROM CINCINNATI (a wonderful cast and a parrot that can raise people from the dead?), that can make you feel as if you're on drugs even though you are not (currently THE LEFTOVERS fills that need) but LET'S SCARE JESSICA TO DEATH was written by someone who MUST have been totally on LSD and crack at the same time. It's a truly creepy, weird, and strange movie. But then again all of these are (and JOHN and LEFTOVERS are TV shows).

SLEEPAWAY CAMP film series

  The SLEEPAWAY CAMP film series Okay, the first SLEEPAWAY CAMP movie (1983) is an outrageous movie with so much inappropriate but for the time shocking material. First, even for 1983, the crop tops on guys, the short shorts, and the girlā€™s bikinis were a bit over the top. The camp chef goes after youngā€¦.very young girls and beats on Angelaā€™s cousin when he pretty much stops the chef from raping his cousin. Lots of bullying going on. And young kids trying to ā€¦well, do it. Thereā€™s also a very AT THE TIME shocking ending---shocking on three levels---the killer has a penis on display, the killer is a male pretending to be a female thanks to a sick aunt who raised him/her, and the killerā€™s just cut off her boyfriend (well, sort of)ā€™s head and cradled it in her lap. And that shocking stare of eyes. The second and third SLEEPAWAY CAMP movies have actors who have played guest stars on LOST IN SPACE---Mike Kellan from DEADLY GAMES OF GAMMA SIX and looking quite old (and giving monologues, ...


  Some of the worst movies ever made. Certainly they are worthy of MST3000. Some are so bad, they're fun. For The Love of the Game. The Natural. CREEPS Club Vampire Flesh Eating Mothers Dead Alive Island of the Damned (with Malcolm MacDowdell, and about...bees) Blood Moon (Tim Curry, Shawn Ashmore) Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer Monsturd (and its sequel the Retardead) Teenage Zombies Plan Nine From Outer Space Fearless Vampire Killers Slaughter of the Vampires Death Game Ticks Jack Frost (both of them) Uncle Sam, ShadowBuilder, Lover's Lane, Fear of the Dark, Transamerica Some movie with John Carradine in black and white, it was like a documentary about a family with a curse. No real personality to the characters. We're just told about them. It was pretty bad. Nuns on the Run, Gamma People, A recent movie that is "found footage" ala Blair Witch starts out at a party and ends up being a Blair Witch rip off but with a family at their house. It was so awful and so much ...


  John From Cincinnati is one of the weirdest shows ever ---the actor who plays the grandfather on MODERN FAMILY is in it along with a huge attractive and talented cast. The very last episode will make you feel as you are wildly higher than any drug could ever get you, just by watching it. The writers of this show (like the movies Privilege and Black Moon, not to mention Let's Scare Jessica to Death) MUST have been on something very strong to write this mind blowing show. If you don't watch any of it, you're sure not to understand the last ep but you probably won't anyway as it makes little to no sense but it will make you high.