

 WHY DOCTOR WHO IS SUCH GARBAGE NOW DW is in sad shape right now. A response to a post about the 60 anniversary "stories". What? RTD is shit now. His writer block from Journey's End stuck and never left. He's burned out of DW and sci fi, he was never that great at the sci fi but fortunately he used to make good choices for the Doctor, his personality, and the premise and plots, usually. His time from 2005 to 2008's MIDNIGHT was the best of the modern series, not perfect but entertaining, meaningful, emotionally sound, logically good, solid DW. Torchwood was a huge mistake and crap, a gutter show. Sarah Jane worked but became routine. RTD burned out on DW and wrote a few good things between his first tenure and now (ALL not sci fi and ALL usually about what he knows: gay life and they were okay, if sad). In the meantime, Moffat ran DW (the classic series he hated and always did and he never new the Doctor's personality or how to write for him) into the ground w...


  DALE CLARK’S DARK SHADOWS-book five-DISASTER   Ignoring Julia, who he thinks of as nothing, Judah takes a controlled Liz and Victoria into the drawing room. Julia feels without Barnabas she is nothing. He is dead.   An hour and a half after Barnabas left, Angelique realized danger was at every turn. Danger and temptation. She would never give up her powers or the part of her self that allowed her to remain a woman. Normally, she preferred solitude. But now she wanted to confide in Julia. It has been a very long time since she’d had a friend. She feels a spirit in the room and calls to it but it leaves. She knows Barnabas is dead.   Before she can flee to Collinwood, Willie comes in. She orders him to follow her to Collinwood and for a moment he looked around for someone who could extricate him from the task. He was never comfortable around this woman. He follows her.   The man in his 60s became a werewolf. This was Cyrus Carrington. Quentin use...