FORBIDDEN WORLD WRITER-BARNEY SLATER DIR-DON RICHARDSON MUSIC-ROBERT DRASNIN NARRATION: Last week, as you recall, we left our space family just as they made their escape from the deadly world of the robots. All were unaware that even now, a terrifying engine of destruction was bearing down on them at incredible speed. TEASER-fully recapped The Jupiter flies away from the alien planet. Smith, Penny, Will and Robot have already come up to the control room. Smith touches a switch which opens a porthole which is inside that closet like alcove, "Farewell, malevolent planet. If our paths cross again, it will be much too soon." Penny and Will go to the porthole. Maureen and Judy ride up on the glide elevator which robot opens for them. Maureen says, "Thank you." Robot says, "You're welcome." John and Don fantasize in ordering dinner---steak and potatoes, asparagus with holiday sauce which Smith mocks, telling him his wild fantasy ...